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Norway Attacks Kill 91 People.

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no it doesnt

theres been plenty of people that have made bombs without any military training whatsoever


animal liberation groups

i bet plenty of IRA members didnt get any


Groups not individuals and plenty of IRA joined up to get the training.

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Groups not individuals and plenty of IRA joined up to get the training.


Times change, I'm told it's relatively easy to find out on the internet how to build a bomb from substances that can be again be relatively easy to purchase.

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Nice to know the US of A isn't jumping to any conclusions straight away - the man arrested by police in Norway is called 'Anders Behring Breivik' blonde hair, white and has an apartment in Oslo... So I'm kinda guessing some local nutter.


Barrack blamed islamist terrorism straight away yesterday!??.. sorry mate, looks like you were wrong this time, put those war/invasion plans back down.

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Times change, I'm told it's relatively easy to find out on the internet how to build a bomb from substances that can be again be relatively easy to purchase.


True but to get it all right first time no drills or warning signs.... Really?

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Barrack blamed islamist terrorism straight away yesterday!??

It was a presumption that all the media were playing with, mainly out of the desire to fill an information void. The BBC got an 'expert' on Islamic Terrorism when I was watching and after him saying 3 times that he didn't want to speculate, the newsmen were still prodding him to do so.

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course it fitted the pattern it was a terrorist attack, but what i originally said it didnt FIT the whole pattern of an islamic attack.


as i said

outside of afganistan / iraq / mumbai there hasnt been an islamic attack that has followed a bombing with a shooting.


again outside the above there hasnt been an islamic attack where they dress as policemen.


the actual target (government buildings could be seen as an islamic target) BUT the labour party youth camp looks more national political rather than international.........ie:- somebody internally had a grievance with the government cos of their alliegance to a certain politics rather than al queda just commiting carnage


exactly... but dont let that stop the bigots and the americano's from starting blaming islamists....

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It was a random attack by some nut case. Its not a lot to do with Christianity. As I recall there's no major issue between Christians and the western world. There's no wars or bombings of Christian lands.


To claim that its unfair to guess it was Muslim extremists is a little odd. Norway is part of NATO and they have troops in Muslim countries so it was a fair assumption. Its a little like guessing when a bomb goes off in N.Ireland that its something to do with the IRA.


Of course they were wrong in there posts, it was a Norwegian after all. I thought it was a Muslim attack, I didn't state it because there was no evidence at that time. But anyone who claims it didn't cross their mind, is lieing...

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Let's say hypothetically this was an organised Christian terror group much like Al-Quaida is an Islamic terror group. Let's imagine if hypothetically they were being given the freedom the train in a particular country, giving them shelter and aiding them.


I wonder if the Christians all around the world would object to bombing them into oblivion and invading that country to take on the terrorists and their facilitators, like Muslims did with Afghanistan?

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And what of those innocent men, women and children dead in wars started by the west - for oil... the americans being followed by poodle brits into everything.

Many thousands more slaughtered by western weapons than any muslim nutters.


That doesn't make any sense. I'm sure more civilians have been killed in IRAQ by Muslims than the west?

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