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Norway Attacks Kill 91 People.

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Norway is part of NATO and they have troops in Muslim countries so it was a fair assumption. Its a little like guessing when a bomb goes off in N.Ireland that its something to do with the IRA.

It was an assumption, but not a fair one.


It has no comparison with Ireland because they have an history of internal struggle, and Norway doesn't. If you are going to make that comparison then the far-right were still a factor to be considered in Norway, as Cavegirl has pointed out.

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It was an assumption, but not a fair one.


It has no comparison with Ireland because they have an history of internal struggle, and Norway doesn't. If you are going to make that comparison then the far-right were still a factor to be considered in Norway, as Cavegirl has pointed out.


So there's no issue with Norway being part of an invading army? Glad they are not concerned about this we at last seem to be making progress.

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And what of those innocent men, women and children dead in wars started by the west - for oil... the americans being followed by poodle brits into everything.

Many thousands more slaughtered by western weapons than any muslim nutters.

Far more Muslims have been killed in Iraq by other Muslims than have killed by western weapons.


The war was started by Iraq invading, Kuwait, remember?

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Great, Christians copying Muslims. That's all we need.


I wouldn't worry to much scuba. Although indefensible I personally think it's a localised thing.




If a population of 5 million peace loving people can produce a "lone" psychopath what chance do we stand over here with ours hell bent on a copycat mission. Maybe your concern after all has some credence.

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I find it a little distasteful that you appear to be wallowing in the fact that it wasn't a muslim extremist attack.


Not half as distasteful as some of the comments by our resident idiots on the other thread where everyone was blaming muslims.


It takes more than just basic military service to make a bomb


No it doesn't. All it takes is a basic education in chemistry.

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It was a random attack by some nut case. Its not a lot to do with Christianity. As I recall there's no major issue between Christians and the western world. There's no wars or bombings of Christian lands.


To claim that its unfair to guess it was Muslim extremists is a little odd. Norway is part of NATO and they have troops in Muslim countries so it was a fair assumption. Its a little like guessing when a bomb goes off in N.Ireland that its something to do with the IRA.


Of course they were wrong in there posts, it was a Norwegian after all. I thought it was a Muslim attack, I didn't state it because there was no evidence at that time. But anyone who claims it didn't cross their mind, is lieing...


Sorry, but I think only those people who's understanding of European history doesn't stretch back beyond 9-11 would automatically assume this was an Islamic plot. Europe has a long history of devastating home grown terrorism from both the left and right wing.


As Mel has pointed out, alarm bells should have rung for anybody as soon as the news came out that the terrorist/s were attacking a socialist youth camp dressed as policemen- at that point it was much more likely to be politically motivated.


Sadly, once again, our news media let us down and showed that their understanding of events is much poorer than it ought to be. I think we'd be better served by a media that doesn't just rely on journalism graduates, but has a larger influx of people from political and historical backgrounds. People who can not only report events, but can actually intelligently interpret them.

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Not half as distasteful as some of the comments by our resident idiots on the other thread where everyone was blaming muslims.


Well I'm disappointed you feel making cheap political points is acceptable when so many people have died. Didn't your mum ever teach you, two wrongs don't make a right...

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Sorry, but I think only those people who's understanding of European history doesn't stretch back beyond 9-11 would automatically assume this was an Islamic plot. Europe has a long history of devastating home grown terrorism from both the left and right wing.


As Mel has pointed out, alarm bells should have rung for anybody as soon as the news came out that the terrorist/s were attacking a socialist youth camp dressed as policemen- at that point it was much more likely to be politically motivated.


Sadly, once again, our news media let us down and showed that their understanding of events is much poorer than it ought to be. I think we'd be better served by a media that doesn't just rely on journalism graduates, but has a larger influx of people from political and historical backgrounds. People who can not only report events, but can actually intelligently interpret them.


When I first saw the news the initial reports were about a bomb. I din't hear about the shootings until much later. People were making assumptions on the bomb attack I feel. I was.

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When I first saw the news the initial reports were about a bomb. I din't hear about the shootings until much later. People were making assumptions on the bomb attack I feel. I was.


True but there was only a two hour gap between the news describing the bomb going off and the subsequent horrific attack on the island, yet even at midnight last night both BBC and Sky news were still insinuating that it was an Islamic attack. They were even twisting the facts to make them fit their narrative- 'well al quaida are more likely to use white people to carry out their attacks these days etc etc'


I just think it's very sad that our news media is so determined to follow it's prescribed narrative of Islamic terrorism that the people who make the news are looking ridiculous and are making those who believe what they say look and feel stupid. People need to learn to question these news sources much more than they seem to based upon earlier posts.


It's not an entirely different situation to what happened in the run up to the Iraq war and the lack of questioning of the official narrative- only that lasted much longer.

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