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How Far Does Your Memory Stretch?

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The TV was a 12" Pye with a half goldfish bowl hung on the front of it to make it seem bigger. Made everyone distorted unless you were straight in front of it.


Later we upgraded and hung a peice of coloured plastic between the goldfish bowl and the screen. Ever seen the news read by someone with a green chin, pink face, and blue hair. :-)

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My first recollection was walking behind my mother and aunt along Southey Hall Drive in 1932, I was 3 years old, we had just acquired a council house. We used to walk across the fields to Ecclesfield just as they started building Parsons Cross and my first day at Southey School, I took a tortoise with me which I got from outside a caravan at the fair behind the Pub at Southey bus terminus. The teacher told me to put it in the small garden which the school was built around, I was allowed to go and have a look at it every so often. I had it until I was nine when we bought a house in Meersbrook.

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i was born in October '67 and i can remember going to see my younger sister in hospital, she was in an incubator and my mum threw a panic, shouting for the nurse because my sister was sick in the incubator. my sis was born in may 1970 so i was 2 and a half.

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A couple of very early memories are drinking from a babies bottle (yes, I was a baby) and my grandad's dog Jesse trying to drink from the other end. Another was lying in my pram as the rain bounced on the hood. My mum always put me outside when it rained as she said the sound helped me to go to sleep. Could be done for abuse nowadays!!!! Another one is looking up from lying down at a lady peering over me. it was an Aunt who died before I was 2 years old. These were over 42 years ago.

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I was born in 1942 but I'm battling to remember anything prior to 47 and the severe winter. I recall walking with my dad between walls of piled up snow that was much taller than I was.

@ willybite re: post No. 7. The only tall pole I remember in Endcliffe park is the obelisk by the big swings which I presume is still there. We used to play tiggy round there for hours on end.

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I was born in 1942 but I'm battling to remember anything prior to 47 and the severe winter. I recall walking with my dad between walls of piled up snow that was much taller than I was.

@ willybite re: post No. 7. The only tall pole I remember in Endcliffe park is the obelisk by the big swings which I presume is still there. We used to play tiggy round there for hours on end.


hiya the tall pole was like a really tall telegraph pole and as a 5 year old it was said to stop enemy planes landing on the recreation ground

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hiya the tall pole was like a really tall telegraph pole and as a 5 year old it was said to stop enemy planes landing on the recreation ground

Don't recall it but maybe it had been removed by the time I was old enough to have remembered it. Was there only one pole as the main recreation area was quite extensive so it seems one pole wouldn't do much good. Anyway, a pole would not stop paratroopers would it.:hihi:

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