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Bomb Sites in Sheffield


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I lived on Hatfield House Lane No 108 , in the first Blitz a string of incendry was dropped along the back of the houses , the one in our garden set the privet hedge alight. One bomb dropped behind Sheffield Lane Top working mans club, it sank so far into the wet clay that when it exploded it threw up large lumps of clay and never broke a window.

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I know this is an old thread but i really need to get a copy o this map, printed, scanned or photographed.


Does anyone know where i can actually get one? does anyone have a one they can copy?


There are copies of the books mentioned in the libraries, you could borrow them and photocopy the maps, or one visit to the Local Studies Library and you can take your pick!

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A few years ago some friends and I called in a pub at Marsh Lane between Eckington and Coal Aston. We got into conversation with an elderly gentleman who mentioned the Sheffield Blitz and how, as a lad in Marsh Lane, he had witnessed the terrible destruction from what he thought was a safe distance. However, a bomb or land mine exploded in a nearby farmer's field and not far from the farmhouse. I don't think there were any casualties or damage apart from a big hole in the field. The next day the hole was invaded by most of the local kids searching for souvenires when a piece of the bomb casing was unearthed with a number stamped on it. Later the number was found to be the same as the farm telephone number. I know it's nothing to do with maps but it is a nice story.

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  • 2 years later...

I did a project on sheffield blitz, i spoke to poeple who were in the blitz,they told me what they did, i went to the library and got a copy of the map where the bombs fell, marples lost was 75 dead, rubble could not be lifted as there was not the equipment around at the time, this i know as i interveiwed a chap that was working to help move the rubble, and lime was put down, at marples, my mums friends brother was also killed when the bomb fell.

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My nan told me that theres a space between the houses on rock street in pitsmoor. That was a house destroyed by a bomb. The location is opposite to the junction of verdon street, just a little down the hill if my memory serves me right. My nan drove an ambulance back then and she lived in pitsmoor too.

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Yes, I remember Marples Hotel being covered in lime, cos they couldn't get the bodies out..The thing I remember most was the 'All Clear' at about 3 am. Then about 8 am, walking with my mother to her cleaning job which took us across the bottom of the Moor. Where the Fish & chip shop is now (Cumberland Street) there was a massive bomb crater and a fire engine had been blown into it . It was nose down and just the backend of it sticking above the road. I reckon that this must have been caused by a parachute mine. 3 days later (on the Sunday night) the bombers came back and attacked the steel-works.

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