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Amy Winehouse RIP


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Firstly :- There not together so highly unlikely.


And secondly Its not the fact that she has been found dead it was only a matter of time - but people can still pay there respects to her.


I just dont see the point in you posting if thats how you feel. Its a thread where people can leave there condolences on.


Oh you mean like a book of condolences !!! or it is a thread to discuss the life and death of Amy Winehouse, where people to put forward their opinion.

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Oh you mean like a book of condolences !!! or it is a thread to discuss the life and death of Amy Winehouse, where people to put forward their opinion.


I thought it was a thread for people to pay there respect.


Not to be disrespectful

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I thought it was a thread for people to pay there respect.


Not to be disrespectful


Not really been disrespectful, just stating the facts. The way she lived her life, it comes as no surprise and it's hardly a shocker that she has been found dead.

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Not really been disrespectful, just stating the facts. The way she lived her life, it comes as no surprise and it's hardly a shocker that she has been found dead.


I wasnt stating you personally - I just thought with ur orginal post about a junkie and a few songs - i just didnt see the point in u posting if that how u felt about her.


She lived her life how she wanted to - she knew she wasnt going to live to an old age - she even told her mum that.


I just think its a shock when anyone so young dies. And with her being in the public eye then even more so. She is hopefully at peace now its just her poor family thats gotta pick up the pieces.

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amy was a troubled soul and very talented, i am sure she will have left much music that she has written , i hope whatever she has written will be recorded in her memory,

amy only wrote good music in her darkest times .

RIP amy,and condolence to her family.


(my bold) But isn't that true of most people? The muse often strikes most often when you are in a dark place.

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Very sad news. She had a huge talent. I posted on another forum a few weeks ago mentioning that even smashed she never sang a note out of tune. A superb voice.


She had plenty of offers of help to quit, her father was always trying to help as far as we know. She even admitted herself in an interview she didn't want to quit drugs so if she won't help herself and she is willing to leave family behind should any of us have sympathy? Just my opinion... we are all allowed them. Don't get angry at me for your friend dying. Yes I am sorry for that but if people know what damage they are doing, yes an addiction is hard to overcome but surely they would try to overcome it for themselves and loved ones.

She had serious mental health problems, which were quite obvious. Some people try and escape using drink and drugs, these into the mix and there is a recipe for disaster. Having fame and money don't make issues better in many cases, as has clearly been shown with her, and many other people in the past.


That's just my opinion.


Rest in peace.

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Although it's kind of shocking to hear that someone who was fresh-faced and new just six or seven years ago has died at the young age of twenty-seven it certainly isn't surprising. She looked like she was a death's door in 2008.


There was a huge amount of hype around her and she certainly wasn't some singular vocal talent like some people would have you believe. A case of style over substance.


I wonder how much her parasite of an ex-husband is to blame for what became of her .. I suspect she was only smoking herb before she got involved with him.

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It is sad Amy has died but making out she always sang perfect is lame.


OK, I did say NEVER sang a note out of tune... so perhaps I was being lame... but then 'picking out a video' that was in the last weeks of her life when it seems that she was at her worst, and heading for her own demise could equally be considered lame. Or cruel.


Take a look at this when she was off her head. Granted most of the lyrics after the first minute are slurred, but there isn't a single note out of tune...

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