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Therapeutic writing

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Well I don't think there is a course in therapeutic writing, because it literally is just writing, but it's a form of therapy to the individual who is writing.



Say if you experienced something horrible; therapeutic writing would be a way of relieving all these experiences off of you and onto the page. If you get my drift.

It also works in the way of relieving tension or anger.

For example I really hate this guy who used to go to my sixth form. I made a status on Facebook then this guy just went on and started insulting me over some ridiculous rumours. I got really agitated and aggravated, so I wrote this massive sort of essay on how I absolutely hate him and how he will amount to nothing. He's never going to see it but it felt so good.


Having a diary would be a form of therapeutic writing.


If you are looking for a course in writing in general, there are should be plenty around. As well as there being lots of information on the internet on how to write. (Though they would be the fine points like key methods of description and stuff like that.)


On another note, if you are living in sheffield. GET SOME SLEEP YOU DAIMN CRAZY FOOL! 4 O'clock in the morning?! It's almost as if you switched the day for night! =p Seriously, people can get real health problems if they don't have a good body clock.

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Have you read this article? http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/2002/jul/28/shopping there are some suggestions for books at the bottom too. I agree that all writing can be therapeutic but it can also open up wounds in you that you'd forgotten about, that had healed over until you re-visit them. They say the pen is mightier than the sword for a reason you know. And I have to disagree, I find that most creative time of the day for me is about 3-4 in the morning! So it really does depend on the person. I have a normal 9-5 job but at the weekend I am always up that late and I find it most productive. It's the time I finished most of my uni essays and things anyways (probably just a bad habit that stuck!)

I don't think you need a course in writing therapeuticly! What is the tutor going to say to you anyways that will help you? Unless you're after a therapist but then you are your own therapist! That voice inside ur head is the only one you ever really need to listen to. Writing and re-writing the same thing from different perspectives, differnt tones, in my opinion is more cathartic than having a stranger rip you apart emotionally, and try and analyse you by set formats. So what if your not box shaped! Enjoy being wiggily, don't write on the lines, scrawl diagonally! :D

*Morning* by the way :) This is what I'm like without 2 cups of coffee....another version of therapy! :D

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