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Do the British far right do enough about condemning racist extremism?

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or they could go and live in a muslim country were it's legal:)


You think those BNP supporters convicted of kiddie shagging should go and live in muslim countries? I'm not sure they'd agree with you.


(You did read the post you replied to didn't you?)

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Really, far right and far left are the same. It's like a circle; the extremities meet at their ends.

And where do anarchists for example fit on this 'circle of yours'?


Even the German Nazis were, let's remember, National Socialists.

They were socialist in the same way the DDR was democratic - in name only.

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Most people wrongly label the BNP as a "far right" party; they are to the right of most other parties on certern issues like immigration and crime, but theres nothing far right about wanting to nationalise vital industry in this country, which is what the BNP want to do.

The simplistic left right model clearly doesn't work very well, however if the vast majority of people use the term 'far right' as a short hand for authoritarian nationalist parties then they are correct to do so as language is defined by usage.


Clearly in more academic discussions of politics you need a more complicated, nuanced system to categorise movements and academics have developed numerous models such as the popular 'political spectrum' which does a much better job of categorising beliefs (though even it has nothing to say about foreign policy for example).


In general usage in the UK however people understand 'far right' to be groups like the National Front, BNP, EDL... and 'far left' to mean extreme socialist groups.

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I obviously mean what pretty everyone in the world aside from you means by 'far right' in this country and the context of this thread about "the British far right" it would be obviously be white nationalists.



Any and all groups that think society should be run according to the dictates of Islam. Again I am using the conventionally understood everyday meaning of the term.



My previous post was perfectly comprehensible as unlike you I was using the mainstream definition of all the terms I used. As opposed to your peculiar habit of nonsensically redefining widely used terms for no good reason.


So now that your pathetic attempts at nitpicking have been dealt with; employ your reasoning and please explain how you can reach an 'understanding' between the far right, liberal democrats and Islamists.


LOL, if you didn't notice, I was highlighting your oversimplified generalisations and your rude and incorrect group labelling. Which in my opinion highlights your lack of understanding and perpetuation of problems.

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And where do anarchists for example fit on this 'circle of yours'?



They were socialist in the same way the DDR was democratic - in name only.


Obviously you don't understand the drivel you spout... WORDS HAVE SPECIFIC MEANINGS!

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Which are defined by the way they are used.


So every time someone uses the term 'far right' I should infer that the meaning 'white racists'? Or if they say 'Islamists' then I should infer 'Muslim extremists and terrorists'?


I used the terms to ask for classification because of his gross misunderstanding of how to sort things out.





So do you believe the German Democratic Republic to be democratic then?


They had democratic views, even if they got distorted, twisted and taken to the extreme. Were they not democratic amongst themselves. (Be aware i',m condoning, siding, etc, with said party, but AFAIK that's why the term 'nazis' are used to refer to that particular... whatevers (insert words of derision!))

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