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Do the British far right do enough about condemning racist extremism?

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This Mandela thing is a bit of a laugh anyway given he was fighting a far right racist government.

Bit daft to bring up his name considering he was fighting Nazis and won.

Even more so when you consider his attitudes to the nazis after he won.

Indeed. Interesting how these European-descended leaders of white supremacist regimes which brutalised indigenous people manage to live out their lives peacefully in the countries they governed over.

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Terrorists always have demands. He wasnt a terrorist..



terrorists have a reason / manifesto / demand but they use violence and murder to TERRORISE to bring their aims to fruitation



Noun: A person who uses terrorism in the pursuit of political aims.


Noun 1. terroristterrorist - a radical who employs terror as a political weapon; usually organizes with other terrorists in small cells; often uses religion as a cover for terrorist activities

act of terrorism, terrorism, terrorist act - the calculated use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear

radical cell, terrorist cell - a cell of terrorists (usually 3 to 5 members); "to insure operational security the members of adjacent terrorist cells usually don't know each other or the identity of their leadership"

cyber-terrorist, cyberpunk, hacker - a programmer who breaks into computer systems in order to steal or change or destroy information as a form of cyber-terrorism

Jacobin - a member of the radical movement that instituted the Reign of Terror during the French Revolution

radical - a person who has radical ideas or opinions

sleeper - a spy or saboteur or terrorist planted in an enemy country who lives there as a law-abiding citizen until activated by a prearranged signal

suicide bomber - a terrorist who blows himself up in order to kill or injure other people




how many definitions do you want?


some have demands, some do not ALL have an aim


its strange how people are arguing over the smallest details, its like they are trying to deny it ever happened, ignore it and itll go away, only muslims commit mass atrocities.

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Anders Behring Breivik is a criminal/mass murderer sick individual not a terrorist

A murderer with POLITICAL objectives.


Nelson Mandela & his ANC organisation committed many far more sickening atrocities against his own people & white Afrikaans than Anders Behring Breivik has ever committed

They were fighting a guerrilla war against a fascist regime that routinely tortured and murdered their countrymen for non-compliance! Hardly the same as some crank, fuelled up on Nazi propaganda with a chip on his shoulder about a government that actually looks after it's citizens interests, who decides to mow down innocent teenagers because he's too spineless to go after political targets. Level playing field and all that ..



as far as I’m concerned people such as Nelson Mandela have escaped answering for their crimes of which many do-gooders conveniently either omit from his biography/history or discussion.

Escaped? Do-gooders? You seem to some sort of Apartheid apologist. His spending twenty-seven years in jail, not for murder but for sabotaging the Apartheid regime is common knowledge. Contrast this with the punishment received by the fascists who administered these criminal regimes such as Apartheid, Ian Smith's 'Rhodesia'. These old men lived out their natural lives untroubled and certainly not in exile.


You can not excuse the atrocities of one & then condemn those of another, either way you look at it whether it be Anders Behring Breivik or Nelson Mandela they both have/had an Ideology, they both have/had a political persuasion

So, now you're confirming that Breivik is a terrorist, despite dismissing this above.


however Nelson Mandela also undertook his ‘actions’ by his own choice but he also persuaded a whole nation to follow, as result South Africa has & will continue to struggle & suffer.

Ah, I see, indigenous South Africans suffer because they fought for freedom and self-determination instead of tolerating an existence under a brutal racist regime. What was that I wrote about you favouring Apartheid.


A bit of an insight into the world of Mandela prior to rise as a statesman; http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=5704

... from a site that includes heavyweight political commentators such as Chuck Norris. :help:

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how many definitions do you want?


some have demands, some do not ALL have an aim


its strange how people are arguing over the smallest details, its like they are trying to deny it ever happened, ignore it and itll go away, only muslims commit mass atrocities.


At last mel admits Muslims (note the capitalisation!) commit atrocities...


I was expecting many to use this single tragic incident of a demented moron to condone the thousands of actions by others...

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At last mel admits Muslims (note the capitalisation!) commit atrocities...
I don't recall him ever claiming they don't.

I was expecting many to use this single tragic incident of a demented moron to condone the thousands of actions by others...


That kind of philosophy is usually the preserve of people who denounce Islam.

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I don't recall him ever claiming they don't.



That kind of philosophy is usually the preserve of people who denounce Islam.

i was gonna reply myself, but theres no point youve said it all that i was gonna put lol


so ill just say



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That kind of philosophy is usually the preserve of people who denounce Islam.


Really? How wrong you are... I will happily denounce any form of radical extremism... If it's wrong, it's wrong, personally I won't pick sides like that! Unlike some!

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Really? How wrong you are... I will happily denounce any form of radical extremism... If it's wrong, it's wrong, personally I won't pick sides like that! Unlike some!


i agree with most of what you just said, although you spoilt it with the last bit, too much of a sarcastic sideswipe at the left when if you follow these political threads you WILL know there is a considerable amount of right wingers who DO subscribe to the denouncement of islam as a whole EVERYTIME theres a muslim atrocity, in fact even when there isnt.

infact there was 11 pages of it in the norway atrocity thread just after it had happened when there was NO FACTS whatsoever, it was still ALL muslims are guilty

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i agree with most of what you just said, although you spoilt it with the last bit, too much of a sarcastic sideswipe at the left when if you follow these political threads you WILL know there is a considerable amount of right wingers who DO subscribe to the denouncement of islam as a whole EVERYTIME theres a muslim atrocity, in fact even when there isnt.

infact there was 11 pages of it in the norway atrocity thread just after it had happened when there was NO FACTS whatsoever, it was still ALL muslims are guilty


That's why I didn't come on then...



But your also right, there are right wings fascists who defend both sides...


I almost don't want to say it, but has anyone looked at what lead to this moron doing this, not his political claims, but the climate which provided the hot bed for his paranoias, isn't it similar reason as when we were looking for solutions to other similar problems of the same ilk?

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