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A time for vigalance for all of us.

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The shocking events in Norway are in and of themselves utterly horrifying and despicable beyond words. For a man to hunt down the children of his countrymen and murder them time and time again in cold blood is beyond the comprehension of any decent person. But sadly the world does not consist entirely of decent people, an islamist group claimed resposibility for the bombing before it turned out they could not have done it, lets not pretend they have not tried and failed to cause this level of carnage in norway, they have, but have been caught prior to carrying their acts out.


After 9/11 and the endless mass cassualty attacks that have followed night after day since across the planet we expect utter disregard of human life from islamic terrorists, we in general did not expect the far right to engage in such random attrocities as it is so outside of our Western way of thinking to surely allienate them from society for good. Clearly this individual thought that it would be for the good of his cause to do these heinous acts, maybe he is mental but he has clearly been planning this a long time and has thought through the personal consequences for himself if he survived the attack. From an average English blokes perspective I can only see this insidious act harming massively the far right, discrediting them across the Western world and causing huge problems for them.


Which is what causes me concern, the guy does seem very committed to his cause, so why would he cause huge damage to his cause while acknowledging that his life will become hell as a result if he even survives?


Like a few forum members I occaisionally put the waders on and have a look at what extremists of both the nazi and islamists are saying on their forums and it makes for scary reading on both sides, we know the islamists are going for maximum damage anywhere possible so we can deal with that, but till now the nazis have been mainly muttering to themselves about striking back against ZOG/commies/markists/liberals etc, but they have been doing this for a long time.


This hideous act of murder has removed a barrier for those truely committed to the nazi cause - one man can kill so many of thier percieved "multicultarist enemies" what excuse does the guy with the basement full of swasticas not have for taking action?


I personally believe we have a very dangerous few months, probably no more than that, ahead of us and that each and every one of us has to be alert to comments, to purchases of certain materials, to any change or knowing statement, anything that might cause suspicion. The only reason why I can see this guy doing what he did is if he genuinely believed on the basis of contacts that others would follow. These guys have been sitting around fantisising about "striking back" against liberal democrac for decades- now in their minds someone has. Therefore it would make sense for us all to be a little more alert to the behavious of all of those around us and just keep our eyes and ears open, if either copycats or a preplanned set of terrorists are going to be walking down your or my street lets try to ensure we get to them before they get to us.

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After 9/11 and the endless mass cassualty attacks that have followed night after day since across the planet we expect utter disregard of human life from islamic terrorists, we in general did not expect the far right to engage in such random attrocities ...


Why on earth didn't you? The far right has engaged in such atrocities before, in England and abroad.

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After 9/11 and the endless mass cassualty attacks that have followed night after day since across the planet we expect utter disregard of human life from islamic terrorists, we in general did not expect the far right to engage in such random attrocities

(My bold). Speak for yourself only. This is nothing new for the far right.

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Why on earth didn't you? The far right has engaged in such atrocities before, in England and abroad.


Obvious the far right in State form has slaughtered many millions historically in Europe but modern far right terorism has tended to be individual small scale acts and generally foiled by the states they reside in.


Their targets have tended to be among thier "victim groups" as opposed to their overall "target group". This is why we need to be very wary and very alert, sick as this guy is for a small minority he won't just be a hero, he will be the guy that started to "strike back" hence we need to be on our guard and lend a hand to the now very overstreched authorities by keeping our eyes and ears open.

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we are so wrapped up in the paranoia about muslim extremists other extremists are getting left unchecked

Are we though, Mel? This forum would make one believe so but I'm not sure how representative it is of how society really thinks. For instance those with an axe to grind are disproportionately vocal (via the keyboard, anyway) and the more obsessed and extreme members just come back as a new ID when they are excluded. A face to face debate would sort out the men from the boys. (And sometimes the boys who are trying to be several men at once, if you get my drift :D)

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Are we though, Mel? This forum would make one believe so but I'm not sure how representative it is of how society really thinks. For instance those with an axe to grind are disproportionately vocal (via the keyboard, anyway) and the more obsessed and extreme members just come back as a new ID when they are excluded. A face to face debate would sort out the men from the boys. (And sometimes the boys who are trying to be several men at once, if you get my drift :D)


you know today i got shocked


im on a few punk sites and i mentioned the events in norway in a shoutbox on one of em.

it shocked and saddened me that one of the founders and one of my "mates" who is an aussie not only hadnt heard of it he immediately went into an anti muslim rant (disguised as anti religious), when i pulled him up about it he said he had muslim friends


i aint been on the site since :( hes been an online mate for years

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you know today i got shocked


im on a few punk sites and i mentioned the events in norway in a shoutbox on one of em.

it shocked and saddened me that one of the founders and one of my "mates" who is an aussie not only hadnt heard of it he immediately went into an anti muslim rant (disguised as anti religious), when i pulled him up about it he said he had muslim friends


i aint been on the site since :( hes been an online mate for years

I've seen people jumping to the same conclusions before the details of the story were out. Regarding forums, you think you know people sometimes but you're right, you really don't.

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I've seen people jumping to the same conclusions before the details of the story were out. Regarding forums, you think you know people sometimes but you're right, you really don't.

yeah it made me really really sad :)

you think some people do have the experience and intelligence but sadly you find out they dont

specially people youve known online for years?

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