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A time for vigalance for all of us.

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The Oklahoma bombing put a fairly tight lid on the american far right, both with law enforcement and public opinion. Any not pinched kept there head down generally at least in so much a repeat never happened although another right wing nut shot a democrat congresswoman. But there was nearly a 15 year gap.


Homegrown, what about the nail bomber who hit soho ?

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The Oklahoma bombing put a fairly tight lid on the american far right, both with law enforcement and public opinion. Any not pinched kept there head down generally at least in so much a repeat never happened although another right wing nut shot a democrat congresswoman. But there was nearly a 15 year gap.


Homegrown, what about the nail bomber who hit soho ?

Yes, McVeigh and Copeland are two that immediately spring to mind. And Fiore.

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There are people getting killed every day all over the world. Want to bet on how many people will get blown up in Iraq tomorrow? There is state-sanctioned killing in Bahrain and Syria so that democracy can be repressed and there are militias controlling southern Somalia that are denying the safe passage of aid convoys.


Meanwhile the American war machine presses on in Iraq and Afghanistan. Of course, the troops are being withdrawn but does no-one realise they are just being replaced with mercenaries?

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After 9/11 and the endless mass cassualty attacks that have followed night after day since across the planet we expect utter disregard of human life from islamic terrorists, we in general did not expect the far right to engage in such random attrocities as it is so outside of our Western way of thinking to surely allienate them from society for good...


How do 'we' know that it was 'the far right' who carried out the atrocity? According to the news reports (which may or may not be accurate and which are not required to make any attempt to be accurate) the suspect had 'right' leaning' tendencies and had 'visited fundamental Christian websites.'


So? last night I watched a film in which two naked males buggered each other silly. Does that make me an homosexual? (If you haven't already seen it, it'll be on the Beeb soon .... well, Torchwood is a BBC production, so presumably they will be showing it - and before the kids go to bed, too.)


Clearly this individual thought that it would be for the good of his cause to do these heinous acts, maybe he is mental but he has clearly been planning this a long time and has thought through the personal consequences for himself if he survived the attack. From an average English blokes perspective I can only see this insidious act harming massively the far right, discrediting them across the Western world and causing huge problems for them.


Early days, yet. The investigations are far from complete. - I don't see what's 'clear' about it. Could it be that the attacker was a nutter who got his hands on some firepower and 6 tons of ammonium nitrate fertisliser?


Which is what causes me concern, the guy does seem very committed to his cause, so why would he cause huge damage to his cause while acknowledging that his life will become hell as a result if he even survives?


Which cause is that? Has anybody stated publicly what his intentions were?


AFAIK, there is no religion which advocates killing the children of its adherents. Had he been anti-Muslim, then slaughtering a large number of predominantly white teenagers could hardly have been seen as a 'blow against Islam'. (Had he been Muslim and had he attacked a group of Muslim teenagers, the same would apply.) Religious labelling of mass murderers is (IMO) a smokescreen. In this case, the media weren't slow to light the smudge pots. IMO, it will be a while (probably a long while) beforethe full story comes out.


... till now the nazis have been mainly muttering to themselves about striking back against ZOG/commies/markists/liberals etc, but they have been doing this for a long time.


How would killing (maily white) Norwegian children further the case of anti-immigrationists?


According to the Beeb (BBC News Channel) the accused was upset because 'Norway is a wealthy country, but the people running the country have taken the money from the people and invested it overseas.'


Typical sort of ultra-right-wing complaint, that. - The right wing are renowned for being upset when the workers are shafted by the bosses.


(The BBC didn't bother to explain why this Nazi was so upset about his government screwing the workers. - I'm sure they'll get around to doing that forgetting all about it in time.)


This hideous act of murder has removed a barrier for those truely committed to the nazi cause - one man can kill so many of thier percieved "multicultarist enemies" what excuse does the guy with the basement full of swasticas not have for taking action?


What evidence do you have to suggest that the alleged perpetrator considered white Norwegian teenagers to be his 'multiculturalist enemies'?


I personally believe we have a very dangerous few months, probably no more than that, ahead of us and that each and every one of us has to be alert to comments, to purchases of certain materials, to any change or knowing statement, anything that might cause suspicion. The only reason why I can see this guy doing what he did is if he genuinely believed on the basis of contacts that others would follow. These guys have been sitting around fantisising about "striking back" against liberal democrac for decades- now in their minds someone has. Therefore it would make sense for us all to be a little more alert to the behavious of all of those around us and just keep our eyes and ears open, if either copycats or a preplanned set of terrorists are going to be walking down your or my street lets try to ensure we get to them before they get to us.


9/11 made life difficult for a lot of people. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that, from time to time, you buy a few kilos of Ammonium Nitrate based fertiliser. Maybe (like me) you buy 25Kg at a time.


You may find it difficult to buy 6 tons without a good reason.


If you need to buy 6 tons at a time, I expect you can prove why.


Going after 'copycats' or 'a preplanned set of terrorists' is, I suggest, outside the remit of private citizens. What if you get it wrong?


It's not so long ago that a paeditrician had her house trashed because her ignorant vigilante neighbours didn't know the difference between 'paeditrician' and 'paedophile'.

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It's like talking to the cat.


Try to think like they think for one second.


"Killing a bunch of white kids, how does that hurt immigrants?"


It doesn't, it makes no sense to any normal person. They are not normal, so you need to unerstand how they think. They believe anyone with a tan is inferior, so if you rail against immigration and black sorts, but belive them all to have the iq of a rotten peach then who is REALLLY to blame for imigration? It cannot be he black guy or the brown guy if you view them as inferior, not bright enough - so the the answer is white liberals, traitors to them, the enemy. Hence what we had in Norway, and i personally am concerned this will not be the last and despite a bunch of vitriol from some cocky little so and so i continue to discuss this matter with concern that there may be further attacks and we should all be on our guard.

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How would killing (maily white) Norwegian children further the case of anti-immigrationists?


According to the Beeb (BBC News Channel) the accused was upset because 'Norway is a wealthy country, but the people running the country have taken the money from the people and invested it overseas.'


Typical sort of ultra-right-wing complaint, that. - The right wing are renowned for being upset when the workers are shafted by the bosses.


(The BBC didn't bother to explain why this Nazi was so upset about his government screwing the workers. - I'm sure they'll get around to doing that forgetting all about it in time.)




What evidence do you have to suggest that the alleged perpetrator considered white Norwegian teenagers to be his 'multiculturalist enemies'?





This murderer was trying to initiate a crusade of his own against innocent children to serve his cause..this camp had many children from different countries represnting Labour parties from around the globe ..check this



Breivik appears to have developed a pathological hatred of the Norwegian "establishment", principally the political class symbolised by the ruling Labour party, whose youth camp on Utøya he attacked. His political views were too extreme for the rightwing Progress party, of which he was once a member.


An ethnic Norwegian, he was strongly opposed to signature government policies favouring multiculturalism. Although an apparent racial supremacist and Islamophobe, he adopted the language of Muslim jihadists.


Agencies reported that a video posted on the YouTube website showed several pictures of Breivik, including one of him in a scuba diving outfit pointing an automatic weapon. "Before we can start our crusade we must do our duty by decimating cultural marxism," said a caption under the video called Knights Templar 2083. The video has been taken down.


A Norwegian website has provided a link to a 1,500-page electronic manifesto and a book which Breivik was said to have written. "Once you decide to strike, it is better to kill too many than not enough, or you risk reducing the desired ideological impact of the strike," the book said.


Breivik's lawyer, Geir Lippestad, said: "He has said that he believed the actions were atrocious, but that in his head they were necessary."



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