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Should there be a media blackout of Breivik's court statement?

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I'd be interested in the psychiatric report into the state of his mental health. Other than that I don't think I'd be much interested in what he has to say.


He said a lot through his actions, he's had his say as far as I'm concerned.

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I've always wondered about people who commit mass murder. How can someone who does such a thing be considered in any way sane? Sane people don't act that way.


It's the same with the Yorkshire Ripper. I don't know how he could have been convicted as sane as he was obviously completely mad.


There is a huge difference between being insane in a medical sense and insane in a legal sense.

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The Norwegian terrorist has said he will explain the reasons why he committed the atrocities today during his first court appearance, the judge hearing the case has to decide whether to allow media access to the hearing.


Whilst I would love to know his reasons why, it is clear that this is something he had planned to do from outset and he will have a well prepared statement intended as a rallying call to the far right and other white nationalists.


Norway prides itself on it's liberal attitudes and access to free speech so the other argument is that banning the media 'mystifies' Breivik and actually provides more sympathy for his cause.


What do others think?


If it were up to you, would you allow media access or not ?

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If it were up to you, would you allow media access or not ?


I already answered earlier:


Good post Nagel. I swing between thinking it would be a really good idea to hear what he has to say but also not wanting to grant him his wish to broadcast his statement.


I think on balance the judge has probably got it right, Breivik will be playing to the gallery with a well prepared statement. I think the only reason to justify letting him have his way is if he could be cross examined about it immediately afterwards which of course couldn't happen.


What's your view bladesman?

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Reading between the lines, "At a security conference in Munich, he argued the UK needed a stronger national identity to prevent people turning to all kinds of extremism. " http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-12371994


..and I would agree with him, but I still don't see why a national identity and multiculturism are mutually exclusive and why the existence of extremists represents a failure of it.


I'm the son of an immigrant and happily describe myself as British, most in my position do that, it's only the nationalists who object to that description being applied to non whites.

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I would say this part of his speech implies that multiculturalism hasn’t been a great success.


Well I wonder how much an Eton and Oxbridge educated politician and former member of the Bullingdon Club really knows about multiculturism?




(He's third from left by the way, Boris Johnson seated 4th from right)


That's not to say they can't be wonderful people but their life view has been shaped by their experiences, the black folks Cameron mixed with were the children of African royalty and tyrants, hardly representative of the melting pot that is the UK.

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As for the op.


Aye, this nutter should be allowed his day in Court, as we Brits say, innocent till proven guilty. Besides allowing him his day will just show how horrible and demented he actualy is. Free speech also comes into the equation - unfortunately.





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Aye, this nutter should be allowed his day in Court, as we Brits say, innocent till proven guilty. Besides allowing him his day will just show how horrible and demented he actualy is. Free speech also comes into the equation - unfortunately.






He's already admitted his own guilt...

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I'm the son of an immigrant and happily describe myself as British, most in my position do that, it's only the nationalists who object to that description being applied to non whites.


I was on the phone earlier, after calling you a troll, and the other person asked your username, after stopping laughing he said oh a black racist looking for trouble then... No wonder they labelled you a racist!

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