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Xmas 2003

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In 1996 I was firebombed in the apartment I was staying in, in Montreal... lost everything apart from my life and a few bits I salvaged on the way out the window...


How does that rate on the beat that woe meter?



In all seriousness though, I've been where you are now and I can relate.. it sucks, but it'll make you appreciate christmases where things aren't great but bareable that bit more...

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erm......not having a home to even atttempt christmas?? Not having an internet connection to tell people how crap your christmas was??


I cannot think of a christmas where things have been 'that' bad, but I know this - there are folk out there who would kill for the things you 'do' have!


Perhaps you should meet up with forum members for New Year!



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Perhaps people would have a happier experience of Christmas ... and of life in general ... if they focused on the things they *do* have ... and not on what they don't have (or what other people have).


What do you think to that idea hal?


What good things do you have?


Health? Food? Water? Shelter? Friends?

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Originally posted by halevan

This is one of the worst Christmas's I have ever had, not one dinner, or pudding, no alcohol, entirely alone!!! beat that!!!

Sorry Helevan, what happened? Did you choose to be alone or did your family go away? I thought you had a special someone to spend it with? If you don't have any family around, how come friends didn't invite you to their house? I wouldn't see any friend of mine spend the day alone. Noone should be alone at Christmas.


Sorry mate, hope the New Year is better for you. Drink a beer and stuff your face with cake.

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Every year we all rush around buying gifts and stocking up on food and drink.

We try our best to give our kids the lastest gear and the wife the best present .

Endless streams of christmas card,long lost relative creep out of the woodwork and we go over the top on everything.


Why ? all for the sake of christmas and to make someone else rich and we pay the price until the next one comes around.


We seem to forget what this time of year is all about,we forget about the people less fortunate than ourselves.

The lonely,the sad and heartbroken,and the homeless,we should all spare a thought for these people and give some consideration and a little hope for them.


After all isnt that what this time of year is about ?

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