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EDL founder Stephen Lennon guilty over football brawl

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Good lad, he couldn't prevent himself from fulfilling the feral, loutish stereotype-job done, the EDL lose all credibility.


and they had any?


tbh i still find it ludicrous that people with straight faces announce that they are proud we are being saved by a bunch of footy hoolies who stomp up and down chanting EDL :suspect::loopy:

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What a tosser. I wonder if any of the EDL scummers will be along to defend him?


You make me laugh you do. The likes of you have spent your adult lives regarding the Christian church fascist, Im not just talking about the fundemental Christian psycho's over in America, I'm talking about the regular vicars up and down this land, because of the Christian stance on homosexuality etc. But what about Islam? I dont hear you lot scream fascist at those fellows, even the moderate Muslims, whom you know full well have homophobic views as well, but yet no cries of fascist !! Its weird, you defent Islam and Muslims top the hilt in the name of "religious freedom", but happily see the Christian/Catholic church done away with.

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