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Are "women too bitchy"?

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Working in different jobs over the years I have heard this or similar phrase uttered...by female colleagues of various ages and backgrounds! Some ex-girlfriends and my current partner have also stated the same?


I would have thought that this might typically be referring to late teens/early 20's popularised by alot of fickle youth/teen TV and reality shows etc?


They have usually said that they prefer working with fellas, who they deemed to be less bitchy. I usually replied that blokes are generally just the same, and that had I said this about females I would have received a slap?


Has anyone else heard something similar, and from women?

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Women do tend to be bitchy and as I am one I know that I can be. A lot of the time it's because we see other women as competition and a threat. I suppose being bitchy makes us feel better about ourselves. Of course there are varying degrees of bitchiness. I do like a gossip but when it becomes vindictive and nasty I think it has gone too far.

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Depends on the Men and Women. Some Male bosses can be quite bitchy.


Generally, I would rather work for a Male boss Just because of this Bitchyness rumour. Having said that, I have no real founding, its just based on other peoples here say (which might be completely unfounded)

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