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Are "women too bitchy"?

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I have worked all my life as a barmaid,always insisting on serving in the Taproom.


The thought of working with women is a horror for me,the few that I have,have been spiteful and bitchy. I don't think that I have ever come across a spiteful,bitchy man,although a few gay men that I have worked with seem to be like that among their own ilk.


Give me the company of men any day!!!

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I think women's bitchiness just comes from an insecurity about something - they're (I say "they" as though I'm not a woman but I am!) insecure about another woman's looks/job/relationship/happiness so they find something to slag them off for.


I don't think it's just women though that are bitchy - It's just that with all the hormones flying around, women tend to let rip a lot more. I've met lots of bitchy men before though.

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Check out the spiteful, sneery, snidey nastiness spewed out in the Daily Mail's 'Femail' columns; now those are a masterclass in bitchiness. Those who get a kick out of lapping up that bile are presumably the same folk who enjoy putting the collective stilettoed boot into an unsuspecting colleague.

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