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My wife still in pain after operation

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hi some 18 months ag my wife had an operation after a sliped disc were the surgeon took a slice from the disc, they said she may be in pain for a while, but she is still plaqued with pain afte 18 months and still as to walk with sticks or crutches. she had to go to the had to go to theHallamshiree to have 6 months of introvienos drugs pumped into her do you think she still may have a clain against the hospital. she had just got a new job in a hospital as a aux nurse but had to turn it down, even after the hospital kept it open for her for 3 months please help her thanks

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A claim for what? When someone undergoes surgery there is no way that the outcome can be absolutely predicted that is why the risks etc are explained beforehand.

I am sorry she is still in pain but I am sure the doctors will be doing everything they can. This is not in any way shape or form medical negligence...she has just been unlucky not to have a better outcome.

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The problem with medical compensation claims is that you don't only have to prove that the doctor made a mistake (as in, they treated your wife negligently, rather than it being a situation where there's a 90% success rate and your wife is in the 10% who don't have any benefit from the procedure) but you also have to prove that other doctors in the same circumstances wouldn't have made the same mistake.


You're still within the time limits for starting a claim (which is 3 years) but there's a lot of investigation which has to go on in order for you to even start the claim, if you're going to make one.


There are very few procedures which are guaranteed to be a cure and there are risks to every single procedure, from infection to thromboses and from drug side effect to genuine allergy to medication, and proving that your wife's case wasn't one of these (rather than a mistake or malpractice of some sort) could be a very long route for you.

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hi some 18 months ag my wife had an operation after a sliped disc were the surgeon took a slice from the disc, they said she may be in pain for a while, but she is still plaqued with pain afte 18 months and still as to walk with sticks or crutches. she had to go to the had to go to theHallamshiree to have 6 months of introvienos drugs pumped into her do you think she still may have a clain against the hospital. she had just got a new job in a hospital as a aux nurse but had to turn it down, even after the hospital kept it open for her for 3 months please help her thanks


Any surgery to the spine is very dodgy. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesnt. I know someone who had to same op. and was still in pain 2 months later, then suddenly the pain went. 18 months is a long time to still be in pain.

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hi some 18 months ag my wife had an operation after a sliped disc were the surgeon took a slice from the disc, they said she may be in pain for a while, but she is still plaqued with pain afte 18 months and still as to walk with sticks or crutches. she had to go to the had to go to theHallamshiree to have 6 months of introvienos drugs pumped into her do you think she still may have a clain against the hospital. she had just got a new job in a hospital as a aux nurse but had to turn it down, even after the hospital kept it open for her for 3 months please help her thanks


Slightly confused here, how did your wife develop a slipped disk, was it caused by a one off trauma event or was it a gradual deterioration; the 6 months of IV treatment was this for an infection, (the only reason I can see for 6 months Iv therapy), was the infection the cause of the slipped disk or was it a result of the operation or post op care.


And to be quite honest shouldn't your main concern be at addressing the pain, not financial gain, it's not unusual for patients with back issues to have long term pain issues, (I know from personal & professional experience), the slipped disk itself would have been incredibly painful, but surgery is not always the answer, one of the many risks of surgery states that the surgery may not improve but could in fact exacerbate the pain issue. Have you explored all avenues regarding pain control, & finally if you do have a claim of sort then more than likely the claim may be for the cause of the slipped disk.

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hi some 18 months ag my wife had an operation after a sliped disc were the surgeon took a slice from the disc, they said she may be in pain for a while, but she is still plaqued with pain afte 18 months and still as to walk with sticks or crutches.




Just the reason why I will not have mine done, risk is too great.





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