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What has Islam done to you?

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I find that quite insulting being compared to Grahame:hihi: I wouldn't class myself as being overly religious but at the same time i won't stand by and let muslims/Islam be villified.


Islam/christianity/judaism, all the same mumbo-jumbo to me, and all deserving of mockery and ridicule.


Thankfully, the blasphemy laws in the UK were abolished in 2008.

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I find that quite insulting being compared to Grahame:hihi: I wouldn't class myself as being overly religious but at the same time i won't stand by and let muslims/Islam be villified.


I wouldn't compare you to Grahame, for one thing, Grahame never threatened people on this forum with violence.

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The religious have no protection, nor do their beliefs, from mockery in the UK. If you find it insulting, then that is your problem, not that of anyone else.


I know it is my problem and that is why i respond how I see fit.

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I wouldn't compare you to Grahame, for one thing, Grahame never threatened people on this forum with violence.


Only people i threaten with violence are the ones giving it the big one.

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The post you refer to was refering to atheists, if you look at the link i provided to chemist in q5 it states that only muslims are employed due to niyat. I have never professed to knowing everything regarding Islam so please don't try putting me down as if i'm a person who claims to.

Also the post was made in response to you coming out with your skypixie line which i as a person of religion find offensive as would anyone who believes in a god.

You are an atheist which is ok but it's when you start insulting religious people or their beliefs that makes the religious people go into insulting mode aswell.

The example you give about not employing muslims due to muslim terrorists is happening.

I have many non muslim friends and sadly a few have turned against muslims due to the current situation in the world so it does happen.

Of course it happens, what's at issue is whether or not such discrimination is ethical. I take a consistent stance that discrimination against muslims, discrimination against non-muslims, discrimination against people of any ethnicity is wrong.


In contrast you take the hypocritical position of complaining about discrimination against muslims, non-whites... yet seeking to justify discrimination against non-muslims.


Furthermore to try and justify this discrimination you use the classic racist reasoning along the lines of "I was once mugged by a black person therefore all black people should be treated as criminals". Only in your case you use a single example of a non-muslim acting in an immoral manner and use that as a justification to mistreat the other 5 billion non-muslims in the world.


A person can be any religion and it won't make a difference to me but when they start being insulting to muslims then it will get my back up.

I have also fell out with some fellow muslims due to their veiws on non muslims as i know it's not a one way thing.

I don't know you personally but will say that some of your posts can get a bit insulting due to your non belief and like the saying goes treat people how you want to be treated.

So you want people to discriminate against you because you're a muslim then do you?

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What has Islam done to me?


Islam (or rather certain misguided people who claim to be 'Islamic') has made my life very difficult. It has made travelling by air even more time-consuming and considerably more expensive. (Why do you think tickets are 'loaded' with taxes and 'security charges'?)


I'm well aware that there is no shortage of morons walking on the surface of this planet, but 'security regulations' have provided a haven for far too many of them and I'm one of the people who have to pay for their moorings. - I resent the extra expense.


If there were groups of people called ABC's who did something which made my life more uncomfortable or more expensive then I would be very upset with those ABC's. Many people might sympathise. I might have a few friends and acquaintances who were ABC's and they would remain friends, but (in general) I would dislike ABC's - because they were responsible for making my life more difficult.


I do have a number of friends who are Muslims. They are still my friends.


I don't like Islam (or Islamicists - or whatever you may call them, however) because they have made my life more uncomfortable and more expensive.


It's nothing to do with 'religious prejudice' - I don't give a stuff what you or anybody else believe.


I do not like people who make life awkward for me. Most of the people who have done that did so under the 'Islam' label - So I dislike Islam.


In another thread, a poster suggested that we should abhor China because of its poor human rights record.




What has China done to me?


Not a lot.


Islam has made my life uncomfortable and expensive.

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