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What has Islam done to you?

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I'm firmly of the opinion Islam has effected pretty much no one.

The Blair government and the newspapers spewing out terrorist stories has had quite an effect on many but usually just to instil a pointless fear of something that makes not a scrap of difference to anyone in the UK.

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Is eating pre-stunned halal meat such a big issue?


'Pre-stunned halal meat' is a contradiction, surely? I've always understood that for meat to be halal the animal had not to be stunned before slaughter.


From the Independant

Halal and kosher meat will have to be labelled under new European Union rules.


Millions of cows, goats and chickens are slaughtered without stunning each year in the UK under Muslim and Jewish practices, which enjoy an exemption from animal welfare laws.



It's something that concerns me deeply.

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I'm firmly of the opinion Islam has effected pretty much no one.

:huh: Not even the people who believe Islam to be the one true religion and who accordingly attempt to live by its teachings?


It's just bizarre how apologists for Islam seem to be driven to actually attempting to deny that beliefs affect actions.


The Blair government and the newspapers spewing out terrorist stories has had quite an effect on many but usually just to instil a pointless fear of something that makes not a scrap of difference to anyone in the UK.

I think the families and friends of the 56 people who died 7 July 2005 in an act of Islamist terrorism would take issue with this "not a scrap of difference to anyone in the UK" idiocy.

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Of course it happens, what's at issue is whether or not such discrimination is ethical. I take a consistent stance that discrimination against muslims, discrimination against non-muslims, discrimination against people of any ethnicity is wrong.


In contrast you take the hypocritical position of complaining about discrimination against muslims, non-whites... yet seeking to justify discrimination against non-muslims.


Furthermore to try and justify this discrimination you use the classic racist reasoning along the lines of "I was once mugged by a black person therefore all black people should be treated as criminals". Only in your case you use a single example of a non-muslim acting in an immoral manner and use that as a justification to mistreat the other 5 billion non-muslims in the world.



So you want people to discriminate against you because you're a muslim then do you?


People already discriminate against muslims and that is fact, the discrimination in the issue of halal meat slaughter is in my view done to prevent the halal meat becoming non halal due to the niyat of the slaughter man, it doesn't mean it's done because every non muslim can't be trusted.

The example of the guy in prison was given as my own experience to prove that this type of thing does happen.

The treat me as you want to be treated bit was directed at YOU personally meaning if you make a post being insulting towards me or my religion then expect the same back because you dug up a post over a year old to make me out to be someone who hates all non believers which is wrong because my wife is a catholic who hasn't converted to Islam.

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Don't really agree with that assessment Grahame was considerably cleverer and less prone to threats of violence but rather more disturbed.


My Bold= So you know my IQ level now do you?

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Because they are trying to influence public opion that they are not all the same when, in fact, it's known that they want similar things. The actions they take to achieve those goals determine whether of not they are a terrorist. The term, "Islamaphobe," has been created as a taboo and helps to smooth the way.


Tell me than what i want seeing as you claim we all want the same thing.

The term Islamaphobe has been created to describe people like yourself and not to smooth the way as you put it.

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Tell me than what i want seeing as you claim we all want the same thing.

The term Islamaphobe has been created to describe people like yourself and not to smooth the way as you put it.


Phobias are usually conditions that have to be diagnosed by medical professionals. What gives anybody the right to bestow on others some sort of made up medical illness just because they hold different opinions?

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A few negative points before we get on to more recent wrong doing..


Half of Christianity was lost. Before Islam, North Africa was the southern part of Europe (part of the Roman Empire). Around 60 million Christians were slaughtered during the jihadic conquest. Half of the glorious Hindu civilization was annihilated and 80 million Hindus killed.


The first Western Buddhists were the Greeks descended from Alexander the Great’s army in what is now Afghanistan. Jihad destroyed all of Buddhism along the silk route. About 10 million Buddhists died. The conquest of Buddhism is the practical result of pacifism. Zoarasterianism was eliminated from Persia.


The Jews became permanent dhimmis throughout Islam. In Africa over 120 million Christians and animists have died over the last 1400 years of jihad. Approximately 270 million nonbelievers died over the last 1400 years for the glory of political Islam.

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that is why i respond how I see fit.


The don't be surprised when others do the same with your rants;).


Only people i threaten with violence are the ones giving it the big one.


So you threaten people with violence because they post things you don't agree with on the internetwork?


You're no different to the rest of the hate mongers of the world:|.


It's something that concerns me deeply.


Whereas others (including myself) couldn't give a <insert word of choice here> whether the animal is "pre-stunned" or not prior to death before entering the food chain.


To be honest, pre-stunning is pretty crap for the animal too as the animal can often still be "aware" after stunning. All I care about with my meat is that it is fully cooked and I won't end up with food poisoning.

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A few negative points before we get on to more recent wrong doing..


Half of Christianity was lost. Before Islam, North Africa was the southern part of Europe (part of the Roman Empire). Around 60 million Christians were slaughtered during the jihadic conquest. Half of the glorious Hindu civilization was annihilated and 80 million Hindus killed.


The first Western Buddhists were the Greeks descended from Alexander the Great’s army in what is now Afghanistan. Jihad destroyed all of Buddhism along the silk route. About 10 million Buddhists died. The conquest of Buddhism is the practical result of pacifism. Zoarasterianism was eliminated from Persia.


The Jews became permanent dhimmis throughout Islam. In Africa over 120 million Christians and animists have died over the last 1400 years of jihad. Approximately 270 million nonbelievers died over the last 1400 years for the glory of political Islam.


Would've been nice to "quote" and link rather than put something forward as if it's your own thoughts, people may get the idea you're able to put a sentence together. :hihi:



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