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What has Islam done to you?

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'Pre-stunned halal meat' is a contradiction, surely? I've always understood that for meat to be halal the animal had not to be stunned before slaughter.


I'm no expert Draggletail, but did some work on this when it first reared its ugly head.


Apparently it's forbidden for Muslims to eat meat that hasn't been 'bled' and this can only be done when it's slaughtered and it's heart is still beating (conventional slaughter is generally the same). The main difference is that in conventional slaughter the methods of stunning can kill the animal too, so the Muslims had to develop a method which stunned the animal but if it were allowed to recover it could 'return to pasture'. So they only use light amperage electric current to achieve that objective rather than the captive bolt to the head which is used in conventional slaughter methods.


It's all fairly well covered on the Halal Food Authority website.



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Another example i can give is of a guy who was in a young offenders institute with me 20yrs ago who decided it would be a laugh to pour the roast pork chop juices into the big vat of vegatable curry that was being prepared for the vegatarians and muslim inmates. (He got the biggest hiding of his life the next day by a big non pork eating Jamaican who got to hear about it!)


I've never understood the stuff about pigs, it's just an animal, it's not poisonous or some kind of supernatural demon, the fact that someone would beat someone else up over it is laughable to me, it's like beating someone up over a tomato, it makes no sense.


If some religion declared celery was taboo you'd think it was really silly.

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My mate saw a halal slaughter about 20 years ago and it's not a pretty sight, even compared with a regular slaughter - certainly far less humane bordering on cruel. But as a non Muslim I can't, for example choose to buy a sandwich at subway without having halal meat. Where's my choice ? Seems like I have to tow the line for a practice I dont agree with to keep 3% of the population happy. Shouldn't it be the case that the 3% should lump it unless they go to a specialist shop rather than the other way round ?

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My mate saw a halal slaughter about 20 years ago and it's not a pretty sight, even compared with a regular slaughter - certainly far less humane bordering on cruel.

Was it a pre-stunned slaughter? If so there's an argument that says pre stunned halal livestock is actually more humane than conventional slaughter. For instance, animals for slaughter aren't subjected to the sight of seeing their fellows being slaughtered as they are in conventionally slaughtered livestock.

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But is that fair ? It's happening in other chains as well. As far as everything else I have no problem with it. I have no problem with halal meat being sold in chains - but just not exclusively.


What's fair or not fair? The retailers are commercial enterprises responding to public demand, if they lose business due to a decision to serve only halal meat then they'll change their policies, but presumably not many non Muslims (or Muslims) have issue with (pre-stunned) halal meat.

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No it wasn't. It was hoisted up by leg ( under protest) had it's throat cut and gurgled, mood and bled to death. Humane ?


No that's not humane, but 90% of halal meat in the UK is now stunned before slaughter so I'd guess all of it that we eat is pre-stunned, the other 10% being designated for those Muslims who believe pre-stunning meat isn't halal.


Incidentally you are aware that all livestock is suspended and bled?

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Would've been nice to "quote" and link rather than put something forward as if it's your own thoughts, people may get the idea you're able to put a sentence together. :hihi:




Erm, there's no point in providing links, the source is just discredited and the argument diverted.


The important thing is the content, which you've managed to ignore completely...:hihi:

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