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What has Islam done to you?

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No that's not humane, but 90% of halal meat in the UK is now stunned before slaughter so I'd guess all of it that we eat is pre-stunned, the other 10% being designated for those Muslims who believe pre-stunning meat isn't halal.


Incidentally you are aware that all livestock is suspended and bled?


If stunning makes it less stressful for my future burger, I have little issue with it then, but I'll look into it further first.


You do make a valid point about the likes of subway doing it for commercial reasons but I bet most non Muslims would be any wiser but a fair few would be appalled ( certainly if non stunned) if they knew. So commercial it maybe but you never saw ( as far as I was aware) kosher meat being put in place without consumer knowledge. As an aside even though the slaughter process of kosher meat is more or less the same would Jews be offended if they ate halal meat and vice versatile ?

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I've never understood the stuff about pigs, it's just an animal, it's not poisonous or some kind of supernatural demon, the fact that someone would beat someone else up over it is laughable to me, it's like beating someone up over a tomato, it makes no sense.


If some religion declared celery was taboo you'd think it was really silly.


Something to do with pigs do not 'cheweth the cud' or not having a split hoof or something, afaik.



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People already discriminate against muslims and that is fact,

Of course it is, thing is though its massively hypocritical of you to complain about that discrimination whilst attempting to justify discrimination against non-muslims on the exact same grounds.


the discrimination in the issue of halal meat slaughter is in my view done to prevent the halal meat becoming non halal due to the niyat of the slaughter man, it doesn't mean it's done because every non muslim can't be trusted.

:roll: No it just means that you think every non-mulim should be discriminated against on the grounds that a single muslim did something wrong.


The example of the guy in prison was given as my own experience to prove that this type of thing does happen.

So what? I can easily demonstrate that Muslims have committed acts of terrorism, does this mean that all Muslims should be treated as terrorists?


Why is it ok for you to leap from the individual to the group to justify the mistreatment of non-muslims but wrong for others to leap from the individual to the group to justify the mistreatment of muslims?


The treat me as you want to be treated bit was directed at YOU personally meaning if you make a post being insulting towards me or my religion

There is a huge difference between insulting an abstract set of ideas such as a religion and insulting a person or group of people.


then expect the same back because you dug up a post over a year old to make me out to be someone who hates all non believers which is wrong because my wife is a catholic who hasn't converted to Islam.

Catholics are still people of the book are they not? That in no way excuses your rampant bigotry against atheists in that case or more recently against all non-muslims your wife included.

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My Bold= So you know my IQ level now do you?

Not as such but unless for some reason you're a really smart guy who writes posts in the character of a not in the least bit smart guy I think it's safe to say that of the two of you Grahame was both cleverer and better read.

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I've never understood the stuff about pigs, it's just an animal, it's not poisonous or some kind of supernatural demon

True. A pig is just an animal. There's nothing inherently 'bad' about it.

The Creator prohibited its consumption, by Jews, in Biblical law- but that does not bind Moslems or Christians.

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Something to do with pigs do not 'cheweth the cud' or not having a split hoof or something, afaik.




but chickens fall into that category too, but they're ok.


religion, it's mad.

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