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What has Islam done to you?

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islam , judaism, christianity etc arent the problem. its the extremists who twist their faith to satisfy their own perverse beliefs that are the problem, helped by incompetent governments along the way:roll:

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With respect BoyFriday, you need to understand that Islam is not just a religion it is a political force and ideology too,

You're quite right which is why I was careful not to use the word "Muslims" or "Islamists" in the thread title, the latter generally regarded as Muslims with a political ideology.


and so asking 'what has Islam done to you?' is akin to asking 'what has Communism done to you' or 'what has fascism done to you'. Criticism or opposing of Islam should be no more bigger deal than criticising Labour, Conservatives, Lib Dems, BNP, EDL, UKIP, SNP et al.

I don't necessarily disagree however the shortcomings of the Labour/Conservative parties et al are well documented and when people demonstrate against them it's most often for reasons that are well defined and where the lifestyles of many have been adversely affected by their policies eg the cuts in the public sector-so asking a similar question wouldn't be necessary where they're concerned. However the criticisms of Islam seem to be enshrined in perceptions, prejudices and downright lies.

It is not simply about the individual, it is about how it effects society.

Indeed and this is what I want the answer to, how is Islam affecting society negatively and by definition the individual since society is only a collection of individuals?
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It's made going through airports a nightmare.


I know your post is playful Nagel, but I guarantee there will be people who dislike Muslims who will see this as their fault and a major obstacle to going about their business.


If I ever visit Norway I'll probably have my car searched if I wanted to drive through Oslo because of the actions of Breivik, but I wouldn't blame white Christians for my inconvenience.

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I know your post is playful Nagel, but I guarantee there will be people who dislike Muslims who will see this as their fault and a major obstacle to going about their business.


If I ever visit Norway I'll probably have my car searched if I wanted to drive through Oslo because of the actions of Breivik, but I wouldn't blame white Christians for my inconvenience.


No it would have nothing to do with white christians, it is because you are a black man in your fifties who, if you avatar is correct, looks like a startled child. Grow a moustache or something.

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most of my friends are muslim (cab driver) and I can assure you that they are as typical and diverse as me and you wether in their views or anything else.As with all religions it is open to interpretation. Christian,judaism or islam are closely linked more so than some people would like to believe.In my younger days I studied all 3. I think the trouble comes when a small minority amongst them(the religious) think that their way is best without even studying another religion,if they did then they would realise they are the same.

Personally I think I am but,a speck of grain in the eye of a seagul floating over the vast ocean waves!.

As for your original question "what has islam done to you?",well it has reinforced my belief that most people are good people!.

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