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What has Islam done to you?

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No it would have nothing to do with white christians, it is because you are a black man in your fifties who, if you avatar is correct, looks like a startled child. Grow a moustache or something.


Despite the advancing years I've never been able to grow any meaningful facial hair Fc, which is galling when I have a child who sports a beard akin to Captain Birdseye's :hihi:

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most of my friends are muslim (cab driver) and I can assure you that they are as typical and diverse as me and you wether in their views or anything else.As with all religions it is open to interpretation. Christian,judaism or islam are closely linked more so than some people would like to believe.In my younger days I studied all 3. I think the trouble comes when a small minority amongst them(the religious) think that their way is best without even studying another religion,if they did then they would realise they are the same.

Personally I think I am but,a speck of grain in the eye of a seagul floating over the vast ocean waves!.

As for your original question "what has islam done to you?",well it has reinforced my belief that most people are good people!.


Thanks for that rayggb, I'm inclined to agree with you.

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This is a serious question and if it's possible to tread carefully around the more sensational contributions likely to come from both sides of the debate, can anyone identify how Islam has materially affected their lives negatively?


I'm of the opinion that Islam is all mumbo jumbo, but then so's vegetarianism and Sheffield Wednesday, yet I wouldn't dream of doing a pack up and leaving the comfort of my front room to demonstrate on the streets of England against people that subscribed to those interests.


Is eating pre-stunned halal meat such a big issue? Walking past a funny shaped building with a dome on the top? Or having to endure the occasional rantings of extremists who don't represent the rank & file in any event?

How have the BNP and EDL materially affected your life?


I was once caught in a traffic jam caused by and EDL demo, the BNP haven't directly me in the slightest yet , that doesn't mean that I can't see all the negative ways that my life would be offended were the BNP to come to power.


The exact same principle applies to Islam whilst the only material effects upon my life by Islam thus far are:

  • increasing the cost & time taken to fly
  • increasing the cost of all goods transported by air
  • diverting my taxes to spending on security which could otherwise have been used for something else
  • made me fell a little bit tense every time I use public transport in London


So far Islam hasn't done that much to me but that's because Islam doesn't have significant power in the UK at the moment. As with fascism though I can still see what Islam has done in the societies where it dominates and therefore oppose it.

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I have over the years met many Muslims and been proud and honoured to have some as friends. Islam has had a positive effect for me as has Buddhism, Sikhism, and Rastafarianism...it has helped me gain an appreciation of just how diverse and wonderful the world we live in really is. Above all I have learned that evil is not defined by religion but comes in many guises.

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How have the BNP and EDL materially affected your life?
They haven't but I'm not calling for their censure or prohibition.

I was once caught in a traffic jam caused by and EDL demo, the BNP haven't directly me in the slightest yet , that doesn't mean that I can't see all the negative ways that my life would be offended were the BNP to come to power.

..and quite clearly the BNP wouldn't want people like me in the UK if they did ever come to power, but I still support their right to a platform from which to speak and always have done.

The exact same principle applies to Islam whilst the only material effects upon my life by Islam thus far are:

  • increasing the cost & time taken to fly
  • increasing the cost of all goods transported by air
  • diverting my taxes to spending on security which could otherwise have been used for something else
  • made me fell a little bit tense every time I use public transport in London

Thanks for that plekhanov.

So far Islam hasn't done that much to me but that's because Islam doesn't have significant power in the UK at the moment. As with fascism though I can still see what Islam has done in the societies where it dominates and therefore oppose it.

But this is my point, whilst there may be issues with Islam which are fundamentally not how I would choose to live, their numbers are not sufficient to affect material change in my way of life even if they wanted to and I'm not convinced they do. As I've said previously if and when that day arises then I'll be the first to sign up to the English Defence League and take a stance against it.
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I don't know why people get so bothered about religion for. I would be more likely to ask someone if they dress to the left or the right than ask them their religion. I don't actually often ask people as to their dress arrangements anyway.

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Isn't it how we interpret Islam that defines it?


I'm not a muslim so it means absolutely nothing to me, yet some muslims are prepared to murder; even die in for it. While the attitudes and conduct of other muslims who embrace the more ethical and moral aspects of Islam couldn't be further from that.


For me, Islam is nothing more than a passionate interest. For others it might be personal and spiritual, then there are those who use it as a means of manipulation to control and influence others.

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