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What has Islam done to you?

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Why are you consistently so arsey plekhanov? (It's a rhetorical question).


The thread is not intended to champion the cause of Islam or 'mitigate, distract or deny' the objectionable aspects of it. If you're such a scholar of my posts you will know that I've consistently said I have no time for Muslim extremists, however I've even less time for people who have a gratuitous hatred of Muslims (or the followers of any religion) despite being an atheist myself who was brought up a Christian.


The fact remains that there are only one million Muslims in this country, they don't represent a threat to the British way of life in any material sense, yet the venom directed at them seems out of all proportion to any threat they pose. If there were 20 million and they had an anti Western agenda then my view would be different. I've holidayed in many countries where Muslims are the majority, I've rarely encountered any hostility because I'm not one of them, in fact more often quite the opposite, I've had more grief walking down Fargate and even that I would say is a rare event. Having said that I wouldn't be volunteering to visit Saudi Arabia or some of the less liberal Muslim countries.


Frankly my posting style here has little to do with anything, on Islamic websites that I occasionally contribute to I'm often referred to as an apologist for the 'infidels' by the Islamists so don't worry I'm well aware of their shortcomings.

Then why do you consistently stir debate about the subject?.............something's needling you!
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Where's that info from? As I understand it the animals are stunned with a captive bolt ,suspended and exsanguinated...no need for the wire bits you mention



I was just going on a program i watched ages ago. I think they called it 'plithing'. It wasn't a nice thing to see but then again neither was the way the poultry were being dispatched as well.

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As opposed to the way we shoot them in the head with a bolt gun before forcing a wire in the hole left behind, all the way to the animals tail and spinning it around to sever the spinal cord. Or better still to force a hook in the hole and spin it around to turn the brain to mush.


Which would render it dustbin tackle, mad cow?

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I was just going on a program i watched ages ago. I think they called it 'plithing'. It wasn't a nice thing to see but then again neither was the way the poultry were being dispatched as well.


Nope,can't find anything re plithing on google (apart from a reference to magic) As retep said the carcass would be bin fodder if it became contaminated with the spinal tissue and brain matter...why introduce a n extra step that isn't needed?

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Then why do you consistently stir debate about the subject?.............something's needling you!


Not at all mossdog, I'm not being needled by anything, I'm sitting here with the sun on my face enjoying semi-retirement and quite content with my lot actually :)


What frustrates me is why people can't quite simply get along, the lessons from history are never learnt-conflict creates more conflict. Distrust doesn't set a platform where differences can be reconciled so we set our children a legacy of more conflict.


The thread was really motivated by my desire to make people think-it wasn't intended to challenge or be disrespectful to anyone.


My belief is that few of us have personal experience of the negative aspects of Islam. Yes, there are the extremists out there, and of course there are racists and homophobes who are Muslims, but they don't have an exclusive on those 'qualities', I know some quite lary black Christians who would make a whore blush with their vile views on homosexuals and non Christians.

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Interestingly, I saw stats like that which were around the time of the blasphemy laws debates. Not saying they are the same ones, but the ones like that were based on "if it is wrong and punishable by law for someone to say X about christianity, would you say the danish cartoon authors should be prosecuted, those who insult islam, etc"


Also, if any of the abrahamic religions were in charge of the country, I think you would see pretty similar results with regard to homosexuality.

I'm not at all sure the results would be that similar European Xianity has been steadily warn down over the last few centuries and is far less severe that it used to be.


If the CofE had it's way homosexuals might lose some of their equality protections but wouldn't be actively persecuted. If the Catholic Church had its way then I get the impression that things would be pretty dire for homosexuals, however even the Catholic church (despicable institution that it is) doesn't call for homosexuals to be executed a stance which I understand to not be at all uncommon in Islam.


A recent poll found that "None of the 500 British Muslims interviewed believed that homosexual acts were morally acceptable." none 0%. Any ideology which produces results like that deserves to be opposed.

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How do you think homosexuals would fair in the UK if the Muslim population alone was free to decide how LGBT people were treated?


About the same as they would if the Pope was allowed to decide.

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Why are you consistently so arsey plekhanov? (It's a rhetorical question).


The thread is not intended to champion the cause of Islam or 'mitigate, distract or deny' the objectionable aspects of it. If you're such a scholar of my posts you will know that I've consistently said I have no time for Muslim extremists, however I've even less time for people who have a gratuitous hatred of Muslims (or the followers of any religion) despite being an atheist myself who was brought up a Christian.


The fact remains that there are only one million Muslims in this country, they don't represent a threat to the British way of life in any material sense, yet the venom directed at them seems out of all proportion to any threat they pose. If there were 20 million and they had an anti Western agenda then my view would be different. I've holidayed in many countries where Muslims are the majority, I've rarely encountered any hostility because I'm not one of them, in fact more often quite the opposite, I've had more grief walking down Fargate and even that I would say is a rare event. Having said that I wouldn't be volunteering to visit Saudi Arabia or some of the less liberal Muslim countries.


Frankly my posting style here has little to do with anything, on Islamic websites that I occasionally contribute to I'm often referred to as an apologist for the 'infidels' by the Islamists so don't worry I'm well aware of their shortcomings.

If this thread wasn't intended to do that then you've been rather careless in producing one which seems designed to do exactly that.


You made no reference to those who want to prohibit Islam and persecute Muslims in your op which instead did nothing but try to frame all criticism of Islam as being unjustified, prejudice.


When you produce an OP like yours then you should expect little plenty of 'arsey' responses.

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About the same as they would if the Pope was allowed to decide.

Personally I think the Pope seems rather progressive in comparison to most of the views about homosexuality I've been able to discern in Islam.


Back in 2004 when Livingston invited Qaradawi to London Livingston justified it on the grounds that Qaradawi represents a progressive, liberal strand of Islam. Qaradawi advocates the execution of homosexuals.


The odd thing is though that most people on the left in the UK have no problem laying into the Catholic Church for it's homophobia, misogyny... yet many seem to do a complete about face when confronted with similar or worse reactionary bigotry from Islamic sources.

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