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What has Islam done to you?

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He might seem progressive, but thats just good PR, if they had the power they had in the middle ages they would be burning people at the stake again.


All organised religions are the same IMO, they only "mellow' when their followers start to question the rules.


In addition to that- The popes reign of cloak and dagger terror only affects those under his influence who's balls haven't yet dropped and voice hasn't broken.


Thankfully, mine have.:D

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He might seem progressive, but thats just good PR, if they had the power they had in the middle ages they would be burning people at the stake again.


All organised religions are the same IMO, they only "mellow' when their followers start to question the rules.

I don't think its at all fair to say "All organised religions are the same" anymore than all political philosophies are the same. Jainism and Quakerism for example seem far less objectionable and liable to drive people to murderous intolerance than Islam or Catholicism.

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I don't think its at all fair to say "All organised religions are the same" anymore than all political philosophies are the same. Jainism and Quakerism for example seem far less objectionable and liable to drive people to murderous intolerance than Islam or Catholicism.


You're right, we can exclude those two.


I think it's becasue they ask their followers what they think, rather than telling them what to think, and then threatening them with nasty things if they don't agree.

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I know your post is playful Nagel, but I guarantee there will be people who dislike Muslims who will see this as their fault and a major obstacle to going about their business.


Well I'm not going to alter my style of posting to suit the occasional thicko who may misconstrue what I mean. :partyhat:

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I think what people forget though is that the islamic terrorists are basically a small sect of islam - just like david koresh led a christian sect.


But just about everyone involved in the violence in Northern Ireland is Christian, not just a small sect.

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Of course it is but that doesn't stop most of the supposed outrage at the Islamic means of slaughter clearly being contrived by people who don't give a crap about animal cruelty in any other context.


Similarly, those who don't give a crap about women's issues and are generally anti-feminist in any other context suddenly jump on the feminist bandwagon.


Back to the OP, I tell you what it has done to me. Never before in my entire life have I been accused of being racist until I came on here and condemned various practices and cultural traditions associated with Islam. I mentioned this to my boss the other day who literally snorted and was agog that I had been accused of racism.

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I think what people forget though is that the islamic terrorists are basically a small sect of islam - just like david koresh led a christian sect.

Pew Research Global Attirudes Survey 2010


"Some people think that suicide bombing and other forms of violence against civilian targets are justified in order to defend Islam from its enemies. Do you personally feel that this kind of violence is...?"


% _____Often_sometimes_Rarely___Never__DK__Often/Some



Egypt____ 8___12_______34______46______0___20






Did Koresh have anything like that support?


The same survey showed "Support Death penalty for people who leave the Muslim religion" at the following levels:










Personally I find such widespread support for the notion that converting from the faith you were brought in deserves the death penalty rather terrifying, you've got to go back a good few centuries to find equivalent attitudes amongst Xians.

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Similarly, those who don't give a crap about women's issues and are generally anti-feminist in any other context suddenly jump on the feminist bandwagon.



Back to the OP, I tell you what it has done to me. Never before in my entire life have I been accused of being racist until I came on here and condemned various practices and cultural traditions associated with Islam. I mentioned this to my boss the other day who literally snorted and was agog that I had been accused of racism.

That's of course happened to me as well of course. I was rather hardened to it though having previously been accused of being an anti-semite many times for daring to suggest that Palestinians are people who like all other people have rights which should be respected.

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They're reared for that purpose....as a food...I'm not a hypocrite..I eat meat so no I have no issue with them being killed as long as it's done as humanely as practical...
Precisely, it's about supply and demand.


If there wasn't such an high demand for the skin and flesh of animals, their unnecessary suffering wouldn't be deemed "inhumane" would it.


Anyone who takes pleasure from wearing animal skins and eating animal flesh is in No position to point the finger and criticize those who use inhumane methods when rearing and killing the animals that accommodate the ever growing demand for the flesh and skin of animals.


It's better to just put their suffering to the back of your mind and simply refer to them as food and clothing, otherwise the irony of it all becomes overwhelming.

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