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What has Islam done to you?

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Islam hasn't done that, people have, some of whom will be Muslim. Surely that's completely different?


Muslim workers are handy at Xmas and on Sundays, and Christian workers are handy on Fridays and at Eid.


The Athiests should declare a day of rest, maybe a Wednesday.

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You could stop drinking, then you would be rewarded.


I shouldn't have to.


This is my land, my country, my ancestors help build it.


My ancestors have drunk alcohol for centuries here.


In the past decade alcohol taxation in the UK has effectively become a Jizya. It should be abolished, or reduced substantially.

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So what? An individual is only responsible for their actions, someone who only eats meat from animals that were raised is as cruelty free conditions as possible is not responsible for all the animals raised in other ways.
Don't talk wet. How could you possibly know whether the farming methods used in rearing animals are humane or not? How would you define "humane"? would it involve using all the mod-cons and keeping the place clean and tidy? or are we still talking about the general treatment of animals?



Posted by plekhanov

As a vegetarian, I avoid meat going off the the pack, the vegans I know avoid animal products in the same manner. Why should it be any different for those who want to eat meat from animals that had pleasant lives?

So you read the label and plead ignorance like the rest of us then. For a minute there I thought your argument was based on evidence. Seems it's only based on personal preferences that serve to lighten your conscience.



Posted by plekhanov

What nonsense people who only buy meat certified by the RSPCA or similar are increasing demand for low cruelty meat & leather. They are in no way increasing the demand for factory farmed animals.

And what tests do the RSPCA or similar carry out when doing these thorough inspections that expose the inhumane treatment of animals. Are we talking undercover visits and secret camera's? Or just a RSPCA representative with a clipboard ticking boxes as they walk around?
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and been taxed for centuries, it's not the fault of the Muslims, they don't decide what gets taxed.


They don't, which is a fair point.


However, the current system benefits them.


And if they are in control they'll impose Jizya (a tax upon Non muslims).


And the current system will soon be in their control if it continues as it is.


Were not equals, they have an advantage. One which materially affects me.

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However, the current system benefits them.

Were not equals, they have an advantage. One which materially affects me.


They dont' have an advantage they just don't have the dissadvantage that you chose to have by drinking, same as if you smoked or bought lots of expensive stuff.


It's your choice.


I suppose that Muslims run cars and get taxed on the petrol, but you might have a bicycle, so they are at a dissadvantage there (by your "logic") and that tax "benefits" you.

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For me it's not a case of 'what islam has done to me' that I'm all that bothered about. To simply object to something because it's had some perceived negative effect is pretty selfish to say the least and if people only objected on that basis then the society we live in would much poorer than I believe it to be.

Personally I have an issue in showing the same kind of respect/common courtesy to anybody who follows an ideology (and that's what all religions are) that is clearly misogynistic, physically abuses children through forced circumcision and psychologically abuses them through segregation, is extremely homophobic, can advocate the death penalty for apostates and can legislate violent physical punishments for theft (irrespective of an individuals circumstances) and so called sex crimes such as adultery, than I do to a more enlightened, civilised and less ideologically driven individual.


*Sorry, the first two links don't seem to be working for some reason but just follow the links in the box.*

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Islam hasn't done that, people have, some of whom will be Muslim. Surely that's completely different?


funny how its only ever muslims that people fail to be able to treat as individuals but as "the religion"


no other religion seems to have this "negative" effect

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