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Slump? It’s the world’s fault .. Osborne

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I've just been watching the news on the telly & the correspondent said that George Osborne is claiming that the Royal Wedding is a factor causing the slow growth....Surely he can't be blaming the Royal Wedding for slow growth?


Weren't people saying it was supposed to increase spending?


A bunch of idiots fiddlling


Ne'er a truer word typed.

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If it’s as simple as raising the debt ceiling, why don’t we just raise our debt ceiling ……. Anyone got the answer.


Yes - we are not considered the primary reserve currency at the moment. That's about the only reason the US can get away with it.

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Labour spent far too much money which just exacerbated the situation. Even without the "global downturn" Labours overspending in itself ruined the country.


And now the country is being ruined by the Tories because they also cut public services, so much so, the country can't function. A few years ago a public service i required used to take 2 days at most, now it takes 2 months. Wait until you try to renew your passport or have dealings with the DVLA.

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Dont increase taxes for the middle class (ie) those making less than 250 thousand a year, The middle class are already in deep doo doo economically.


Raise taxes for those earning over 250 thou. per anum on an increasing percentage based on income level. Big corporations and the wealthy dont create jobs anymore. They just ship them overseas. The trickle down prosperity theory advocated by the republicans is a complete myth these days.


Stop the billions paid in subsidies by the government to the big oil companies. They dont need the money


Leave Social Security and Medicare alone. Funding to continue beyond 2025 can be put in place by drastically cutting defence spending. We should not be the world's policeman and can no longer afford to play that role


Why not just reign in the tax exiles and evasionists?

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Blame snow; blame royal weddings; blame Japanese earthquakes; blame hot weather, blame, blame, blame. When is Osbourne going to wake up and realise that it's his economic 'policy' that is to blame?


That's the Tories for you, telling everyone else to take responsibility but never acknowledging their own role in events.


If it were Cable or Balls blaming the Royal Wedding for the poor growth figures the Maily Telegraph et. al. would going into overdrive & frothing at the mouth, but given that it's the Tories who are in power they very helpfully ignore him.

Speaking of the media, it was revealed today that Osbourne had 15 meetings with News International executives, I wonder what they were discussing...?

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That's the Tories for you, telling everyone else to take responsibility but never acknowledging their own role in events.


If it were Cable or Balls blaming the Royal Wedding for the poor growth figures the Maily Telegraph et. al. would going into overdrive & frothing at the mouth, but given that it's the Tories who are in power they very helpfully ignore him.

Speaking of the media, it was revealed today that Osbourne had 15 meetings with News International executives, I wonder what they were discussing...?


It'll be the fact the end of the News of the World will drag down the next quarter's GDP figures. Osbourne is already drawing up his list of excuses.

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