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Methadone detox

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Hi Guys, I have not been using for several months and so i decided on Sunday that i should now also stop taking my methadone script. I really don't want to be using any drugs any more regardless of whether it's gear or prescription replacements. However, i'm now really struggling, i've been on 70ml of methadone a day. Do any of you have any experience coming off this stuff, have i been too ambitious going from 70ml a day down to nothing? Any advice would be really helpful.

Thank you in advance to anyone taking the time to reply.

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Hi Guys, I have not been using for several months and so i decided on Sunday that i should now also stop taking my methadone script. I really don't want to be using any drugs any more regardless of whether it's gear or prescription replacements. However, i'm now really struggling, i've been on 70ml of methadone a day. Do any of you have any experience coming off this stuff, have i been too ambitious going from 70ml a day down to nothing? Any advice would be really helpful.

Thank you in advance to anyone taking the time to reply.


Have you talked to the Dr who prescribes your Methadone, maybe he can reduce your dose each week if it's inadvisable to go cold Turkey.

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The honest answer to whether you've been too ambitious is yes, I'm afraid. Methadone works on a different receptor to the standard opiates you were taking before, which helps you with the withdrawal, but unfortunately the NMDA receptor, which is what methadone utilises, has a longer replacement time for withdrawal than anything that uses the standard opiate µ receptor.


I take methadone for pain because normal opiates which use the µ receptor make me really sick at ridiculously low levels, but I take a measly 5mg a day. Even so, if I need to come off it I need to reduce levels over 5 weeks because of the withdrawal problems that methadone can cause.


Please go back to see your doctor, explain your mistake, take their advice and start reducing it in a way that you can maintain.


Good luck, and I hope you are soon free of the horrid green goo, and can be proud of yourself with starting a whole new healthy chapter of your life :)

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You might be better off reducing at 10ml per day on a weekly or fortnightly basis.


Some can stop quite suddenly, but the withdrawal symptoms can be hard to manage (if so, it might be better to gradually reduce).


All the best with it mate!


Persevere and you'll soon be without it :)

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Too fast IMO. From 70ml you should be reducing far slower than that. I'd say 5ml per week - Once you get down to 15 - 20 you'll really rattle for a bit but it'll be far better than going full on.


If you go hell for leather you'll just be tempted to use whether it be a hit or some subutex.

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Many many thanks for taking the time to reply guys. Your advice is very welcome, i'll definitely take heed. You're all right, think i went for it a bit too enthusiastically, i didn't even discuss it with my Key-worker, i just got the plan in my head and went for it which with hindsight (oh the joys of hindsight) was a half-baked idea. I was just so keen to be free from drugs of all types that i thought i could battle through it. I'd done cold turkey on gear before but what i didn't anticipate was the fact that methadone operates on a different receptor as Medusa has pointed out to me. I'll go back to my worker and take his advice. Thank you again for all the replies and the positive comments, i'll get there, i just need to plan it out a bit better.

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Many many thanks for taking the time to reply guys. Your advice is very welcome, i'll definitely take heed. You're all right, think i went for it a bit too enthusiastically, i didn't even discuss it with my Key-worker, i just got the plan in my head and went for it which with hindsight (oh the joys of hindsight) was a half-baked idea. I was just so keen to be free from drugs of all types that i thought i could battle through it. I'd done cold turkey on gear before but what i didn't anticipate was the fact that methadone operates on a different receptor as Medusa has pointed out to me. I'll go back to my worker and take his advice. Thank you again for all the replies and the positive comments, i'll get there, i just need to plan it out a bit better.


The thing to remember is that you need to give yourself every chance in succeeding, and to do that you need to talk to the people who can help you achieve your goal.


The perils of trying it half baked is that if you fail, it doesn't even take you back to "square one" 'cause even at "square one" you had hope. If you are serious you have to do it the right way.


Good luck by the way!

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Many many thanks for taking the time to reply guys. Your advice is very welcome, i'll definitely take heed. You're all right, think i went for it a bit too enthusiastically, i didn't even discuss it with my Key-worker, i just got the plan in my head and went for it which with hindsight (oh the joys of hindsight) was a half-baked idea. I was just so keen to be free from drugs of all types that i thought i could battle through it. I'd done cold turkey on gear before but what i didn't anticipate was the fact that methadone operates on a different receptor as Medusa has pointed out to me. I'll go back to my worker and take his advice. Thank you again for all the replies and the positive comments, i'll get there, i just need to plan it out a bit better.


Sensible choice, all the best with it mate and nice one for getting from where you were to where you are. :thumbsup:

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