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Methadone detox

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Can you tell me how knocking down someone who's trying to do their best to get up will benefit society?


Get some politeness or shut up please.



I think the op has some real guts to put his post on here.I myself dont have much time for drug users,but the poster seems genuine enough to bare his/her soul.Well done for seeing you have a real problem,i should seek your Gps advice though before reducing any medication,i think this should be done very slowly.I wish the op every success into beating their addiction. Regards. X:)

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Hi Guys, I have not been using for several months and so i decided on Sunday that i should now also stop taking my methadone script. I really don't want to be using any drugs any more regardless of whether it's gear or prescription replacements. However, i'm now really struggling, i've been on 70ml of methadone a day. Do any of you have any experience coming off this stuff, have i been too ambitious going from 70ml a day down to nothing? Any advice would be really helpful.

Thank you in advance to anyone taking the time to reply.


My very strong advice is not to ask for medical help on an internet forum: get to your docs asap.


Also very reckless of people to be suggesting doses to you.

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Many many thanks for taking the time to reply guys. Your advice is very welcome, i'll definitely take heed. You're all right, think i went for it a bit too enthusiastically, i didn't even discuss it with my Key-worker, i just got the plan in my head and went for it which with hindsight (oh the joys of hindsight) was a half-baked idea. I was just so keen to be free from drugs of all types that i thought i could battle through it. I'd done cold turkey on gear before but what i didn't anticipate was the fact that methadone operates on a different receptor as Medusa has pointed out to me. I'll go back to my worker and take his advice. Thank you again for all the replies and the positive comments, i'll get there, i just need to plan it out a bit better.


I feel for you. Coming off of oxycodone (legally prescribed for pain may I add) I was told that the only thing to help with this withdrawal was methadone.


I did cold turkey ..but it was hell. But I just wanted it out of my system as after missing a dose, the symptoms from that frightened the life out of me.

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is this for real? are all the posters on this thread connected in some way to the drug culture? sure sounds like it!! i good detox would be to lock em up in a room/cell for how ever long it takes with basic food and water until they are clean, thats half the problem in the world today pandering to no hopers:loopy:


.. And you can piddle off. From your statement here, you might aswell call me a no hoper. Had I taken the methadone the doctor offered when I was withdrawing from oxycodone . . Legal prescribed by my doctor for severe pain, I too, could have become addicted to methadone, which is why in refused it. You don't known the other persons circumstances and I hope you are never in the position to need opiates for pain relief!

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My very strong advice is not to ask for medical help on an internet forum: get to your docs asap.


Also very reckless of people to be suggesting doses to you.


I wouldn't go so far as to suggest specific doses, but neither am I one of those people who believe the words 'medical professional' open up a magic portal to unfailingly accurate information. In the real world, doctors frequently make mistakes, prescribe people things they don't need, and give advice they are unsure of rather than show doubt.


Personally I would consider advice from those with direct experience or knowledge of withdrawal from methadone at least as valid as that of someone who has no specialised knowledge or direct experience of it - eg, most doctors.

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Trouble is .. it can be awfully scary looking at some sites. I went on one when I was withdrawing from Oxycodone and it frightened me to death. You don't want scare stories about how bad it is .. rather, you need encouragement and someone to say, yes, it's ok, you will feel like that, not someone telling you exactly what they are going through because no, it's not nice .. but you can get through it. Same as the panic attacks I suffered at one point .. wave after wave after wave .. I thought they would kill me; that my body couldn't possiblty take any more whereas in fact, if you look up panic attacks and understand them, it helps YOU to know what is happening and they wont kill you.


You need support probably from your Doctor or Support Worker (whatever he/she is) and someone there at the end of a phone or end of a computer line, to listen to you!


Your body is getting rid of a poison and it takes a good while .. and you have to take each day, and night (as it doesn't stop at night times) and tell yourself, it WILL get better. It can be so easy to look at a bottle and think .. just one teaspoon could make me feel better .. but just one teaspoon or tablet, will take you right back to the beginning. You HAVE to need to do this for youself and want to do it. There's no easy way.

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Trouble is .. it can be awfully scary looking at some sites. I went on one when I was withdrawing from Oxycodone and it frightened me to death. You don't want scare stories about how bad it is .. rather, you need encouragement and someone to say, yes, it's ok, you will feel like that, not someone telling you exactly what they are going through because no, it's not nice .. but you can get through it. Same as the panic attacks I suffered at one point .. wave after wave after wave .. I thought they would kill me; that my body couldn't possiblty take any more whereas in fact, if you look up panic attacks and understand them, it helps YOU to know what is happening and they wont kill you.


You need support probably from your Doctor or Support Worker (whatever he/she is) and someone there at the end of a phone or end of a computer line, to listen to you!


Your body is getting rid of a poison and it takes a good while .. and you have to take each day, and night (as it doesn't stop at night times) and tell yourself, it WILL get better. It can be so easy to look at a bottle and think .. just one teaspoon could make me feel better .. but just one teaspoon or tablet, will take you right back to the beginning. You HAVE to need to do this for youself and want to do it. There's no easy way.


Well yes, information from people with direct and indirect personal experience is only helpful if it is given in a supportive and constructive way. Somebody who just wants to tell you about the hellish time they had sn't going to be much help at all, but I think most replies on this thread fall into the former category.

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First of all i would like to offer my sincere thanks to all of you that have offered their advice and support. I knew when i posted that there would be someone who would feel the need to say something negative, it's an open forum and they are entitled to their opinion.

The reason i posted was because i really do believe that it is helpful to have the insights of people who have been in the same or a similar position. What i didn't expect when i first posted was so many people offering words of encouragement and support. I really can't tell you all how helpful it is to have so many people sending me their good wishes. I really do have no further interest in taking drugs and the only reason i started was because i was in a very dark place and didn't have anybody to turn to for support.

So once again a huge thank you for all your good wishes, it makes a huge difference when people you don't know and have never met take the time to offer their advice and support. I'm struggling to articulate into words how much that means to me but i do know it makes things easier and i will get there. I have made an appointment with my key-worker for next Monday and will take his advice.

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