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Methadone detox

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What a refreshingly gracious response to such astonishing rudeness and ignorance. Best of luck and all good wishes to you, Richie-rich.

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Hi Guys, I have not been using for several months and so i decided on Sunday that i should now also stop taking my methadone script. I really don't want to be using any drugs any more regardless of whether it's gear or prescription replacements. However, i'm now really struggling, i've been on 70ml of methadone a day. Do any of you have any experience coming off this stuff, have i been too ambitious going from 70ml a day down to nothing? Any advice would be really helpful.

Thank you in advance to anyone taking the time to reply.


I hope that your parents are proud of you, if you were my son I would be, good luck to you.

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Hi Richie-rich, I think it's very admirable that you want to come off the methadone, I'm not very comfortable with the way that lots of people have been shunted onto methadone from heroin but not really encouraged to reduce and come off the substitute. All power to you mate :thumbsup:

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Thank you for your comments TeaFan. I have noticed that whenever i have talked to people about coming off Methadone i have been discouraged from doing so. That was one of my reasons for going for it in rather going through the same conversation at my treatment centre and being talked out of it. To be fair i haven't yet discussed coming off methadone with my new key-worker yet which is what i'm planning to do on Monday. I do think coming off methadone is actually harder than coming off heroin (this is only my opinion by the way other people may have found differently). I so just want to be free from any type of drug use that i'm not going to take no for answer when i attend on Monday. Hopefully i'll have the full-support of my key-worker rather than have him trying to discourage me from coming off. I think in a certain way i've already won the first part of the battle, that is i want to be clean and free from drugs even if they are drugs prescribed by a Doctor. I've just got to now enlist their help with the second part which is coming off completely. I'm just focusing on the goal now, i can't wait not to be a slave to any drug, i can't wait to be free.

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is this for real? are all the posters on this thread connected in some way to the drug culture? sure sounds like it!! i good detox would be to lock em up in a room/cell for how ever long it takes with basic food and water until they are clean, thats half the problem in the world today pandering to no hopers:loopy:


I’m sorry but you are a complete DICK, how dare you pour such negative comments on someone who I suspects as more guts, & strength of character, you could only wish for........Half the problem these days is people like you who don’t give people like Rich a chance, I sincerely hope you, or any of your close family are never in this position, jeesh some people. :rant:


Thank you for your comments TeaFan. I have noticed that whenever i have talked to people about coming off Methadone i have been discouraged from doing so. That was one of my reasons for going for it in rather going through the same conversation at my treatment centre and being talked out of it. To be fair i haven't yet discussed coming off methadone with my new key-worker yet which is what i'm planning to do on Monday. I do think coming off methadone is actually harder than coming off heroin (this is only my opinion by the way other people may have found differently). I so just want to be free from any type of drug use that i'm not going to take no for answer when i attend on Monday. Hopefully i'll have the full-support of my key-worker rather than have him trying to discourage me from coming off. I think in a certain way i've already won the first part of the battle, that is i want to be clean and free from drugs even if they are drugs prescribed by a Doctor. I've just got to now enlist their help with the second part which is coming off completely. I'm just focusing on the goal now, i can't wait not to be a slave to any drug, i can't wait to be free.



Rich for once I would say on this forum regarding medical advice, is listen to the advice, you’ve passed an incredible hurdle in acknowledging the fact that you want to be drug free, but stopping & going cold turkey will be incredibly difficult & dangerous, listen to your key worker & do it gradually, trust me by the sound of your posts your incredibly determined, & that is what will get you through, make sure you’ve got a strong support network behind you who can support. I was also wondering; as you’ve already informed us on here of your intention why not keep this thread going, ask the mods if you can have a sticky, keep us all informed of your progress, let us know if you need help/support especially when you’re feeling down, & I’m sure the SF mods won’t mind. Good luck mate, & remember with your attitude/determination you will one day be drug free, all my admiration.:clap::banana:


(@the mods), it might be helpful just in case there anymore DICKS out there who want add rubbish, you could periodically monitor just get rid of negative posts & ban the poster from posting on this thread.

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I wouldn't go so far as to suggest specific doses, but neither am I one of those people who believe the words 'medical professional' open up a magic portal to unfailingly accurate information. In the real world, doctors frequently make mistakes, prescribe people things they don't need, and give advice they are unsure of rather than show doubt.


Personally I would consider advice from those with direct experience or knowledge of withdrawal from methadone at least as valid as that of someone who has no specialised knowledge or direct experience of it - eg, most doctors.


Bang on!!...encouragement & support is great, unqualified advice from those who have never been in this position can & is dangerous, however I will agree someone who has experienced taking heroin then methadone & then become clean can be the best at advising & in supporting, they can foresee the bad times & subsequently give great support. However moral support from anybody is great, again good luck Rich

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My nephew did it. Heroin, methadone and he's just on amytyptille as the last stage now ... Keep on with that strength. X


@Saffy; I don’t believe many people realise the enormous task that individuals such as Rich are undertaking when they themselves want to become drug free; I’ve dealt with many addicts in the past, although not in the capacity of helping them detox, my experience as been when they attend for surgery, we then obviously, are in contact with the drug counselling service; there are many addicts out there who like Rich says, began drugs in order to get through/cope with bad events in their life, when I’ve listened to their past, read their history it can be incredibly distressing & makes you realise why a person ends up relying on drugs, to top it off not only are they coping with psychological trauma, but having to deal with an unnecessary stigma given to individuals such Rich by many in society who don’t understand. (Sorry Rich sounds like I’m lecturing).



@Rich; I will say this though Rich It takes a great immense amount of courage to recognise & want to become drug free, never mind coming on a public forum & letting the world know. Out of all the posts I’ve read/participated in, this has got to be one of the best so far, before I went to sleep last night I thought what a nice chap this Rich guy sounds; as some SF member pointed out, even when confronted with a negative comment, you gave such a polite & eloquent response, me personally I would have said F/O, that shows your strength of character, even above such as me; I do hope the negative commenter’s on here were humbled by his response, ‘good on him’.



The only other points I will say Rich, as you’ve now taken the next step from acknowledging you want to be drug free (methadone reliant), & as your seeing your counsellor on Mon; be prepared, my suggestion would be this; you’re going to need a strong support network, over the weekend make a list of friends & family, people who know you really well, you’re personally going to need names & numbers of people you can ring when you need support, people who at the drop of the hat will come around & support you, & think of the future mate one day at a time, I’m glad you’re not going to go cold turkey & approaching it the sensible way, I can’t wait for the day you come on this forum & say done it, I’m drug free.:thumbsup:

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