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Methadone detox

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Hi Guys, I have not been using for several months and so i decided on Sunday that i should now also stop taking my methadone script. I really don't want to be using any drugs any more regardless of whether it's gear or prescription replacements. However, i'm now really struggling, i've been on 70ml of methadone a day. Do any of you have any experience coming off this stuff, have i been too ambitious going from 70ml a day down to nothing? Any advice would be really helpful.

Thank you in advance to anyone taking the time to reply.


We all have addictions of some kind. I would stick with the methadone and also use ''WILL POWER'' think ahead in a few months/years when you're clean of all that rubbish.


Welldone in facing your demons, you can beat it!

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But does it matter; it's about the future, not the past, if a person’s past has moments he would rather forget, don't you think that person would be personally ashamed, suffer by knowing, the fact that Rich wants to be clean is what’s important, for all we know he could have had family support, good job, or he could have a dark past, but it's of no relevance. So let’s drop it, you don't have to post.



He wants to be clean and is not being forced by a drug order by a court. He deserves support. Its a hard task and takes courage to do it. Its not easy to change your whole life style which is what he is doing. Good luck Rich.

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Hi Guys, many thanks for the suggestions. I shall definitely be discussing Lofexadine as an option with my worker, i had never heard of it until now but as i said yesterday many of you are much better informed than I. I am so glad that i started this thread because it's giving me a number of options to think about which i may not have come across without you guys, that's even without all the general messages of support which have been immensely helpful. I am registered at Guernsey House which is where my meeting is taking place on Monday.

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hope the meeting went well rich...as others have said, you should be so so very proud of yourself :)


im a smoker and the thought of even trying to give up scares me....thats nothing compared to what you have put yourself through.


i have great respect for you and i hope that this thread will not only help you, but may also help others who havent had the courage to stand up and share their experiences of trying to beat an addiction.




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Hi Guys, just to let you all know how my meeting went on Monday. My Key-worker was all for helping me get off Methadone. He was really helpful and suggested an immediate reduction of 10ml daily down to 60ml. My main problem as you many of you will have probably already guessed is that once i get an idea in my head i just go for it, i get a bit too enthusiastic for my own good sometimes which is what prompted me to try going from 70mls a day down to nothing. Fortunately my worker has a bit more sense and suggested the initial reduction of 10ml and then go back next week to see how i'm getting on with a view to making a further reduction.

I haven't yet had a chance to discuss Lofexadine yet because i couldn't remember what it was called once i got there and i didn't want to sit there saying stupid things like there's this drug used for opiate detox but i can't recall the name at the moment. I'll write it down and take it with me next week and see if he is familiar with it and if he recommends it.

It feels positive just to have taken the first step in the reduction process. A certain part of me just wants the whole thing to be over but i just have to be patient and i'll get there. You will all be kept informed i guarantee you, after all your messages of good will it is the least i can do.

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Hi Guys, just to let you all know how my meeting went on Monday. My Key-worker was all for helping me get off Methadone. He was really helpful and suggested an immediate reduction of 10ml daily down to 60ml. My main problem as you many of you will have probably already guessed is that once i get an idea in my head i just go for it, i get a bit too enthusiastic for my own good sometimes which is what prompted me to try going from 70mls a day down to nothing. Fortunately my worker has a bit more sense and suggested the initial reduction of 10ml and then go back next week to see how i'm getting on with a view to making a further reduction.

I haven't yet had a chance to discuss Lofexadine yet because i couldn't remember what it was called once i got there and i didn't want to sit there saying stupid things like there's this drug used for opiate detox but i can't recall the name at the moment. I'll write it down and take it with me next week and see if he is familiar with it and if he recommends it.

It feels positive just to have taken the first step in the reduction process. A certain part of me just wants the whole thing to be over but i just have to be patient and i'll get there. You will all be kept informed i guarantee you, after all your messages of good will it is the least i can do.



Congratulations Rich, onwards & upwards, youv'e took the biggest step, good luck mate.

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This thread was started to ask for help and support. Please respect that if you wish to post. Some people didn't and their posts, along with others who quoted them, have been removed.


Why? I really do not understand? Is this not a debate forum? Addicts always want want want.

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Why? I really do not understand? Is this not a debate forum? Addicts always want want want.


Yes, this is a debate forum, but it's a debate forum with rules and where the site management reserve the right to remove any users who don't obey the rules.


One of those rules is that if the site admins or moderators make a request then that should be obeyed.


This thread is not about your views about addicts. If you want to discuss that then start a new thread. This thread is about one person's struggle to get drug free, which sets him apart from those who are still on the way down and which begs the question of how long an addict has to be free of their addiction before people stop haranguing them for it.


It's not a good start to your visit to the forum to start by attacking one of the site admins, so I'd suggest taking a step back and reading forum rules before posting again.

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