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Too much American 'culture' in the UK?

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Absolutely. I hate it :rant: and have done for many years. American culture is removing local culture, local creativity, local meaning for example starbucks. Our towns and cities are loosing their local identities because everywhere is the same. I visited Newcastle last year for the first time, stunning city architecturally but completely soulless. Chain bars, chains restaurants, chain cafes everywhere. It was so depressing :( and don't start me on spell check. I'm trying to change my macbook spell check from American English to real English, without much luck. And why do Americans have to redo perfectly wonderful films or TV from other countries e.g. Let The Right One In, The Killing, The Ring etc. I could keep on for ages ranting about how much I hate American culture........

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Do you actually HATE American culture?


Forgive my ignorance but do we have an epidemic of American chain bars over here these days? Or even chain restaurants?

I know we have the usual fast food joints but they can hardly be called restaurants.


The spelling is trivial in my own opinion. It isn't the end of the world if i type color rather than colour. Most people get the point.

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Absolutely. I hate it :rant: and have done for many years. American culture is removing local culture, local creativity, local meaning for example starbucks. Our towns and cities are loosing their local identities because everywhere is the same. I visited Newcastle last year for the first time, stunning city architecturally but completely soulless. Chain bars, chains restaurants, chain cafes everywhere. It was so depressing :( and don't start me on spell check. I'm trying to change my macbook spell check from American English to real English, without much luck. And why do Americans have to redo perfectly wonderful films or TV from other countries e.g. Let The Right One In, The Killing, The Ring etc. I could keep on for ages ranting about how much I hate American culture........


I see your point bluefish, they have no idea how to speak proper Yorkshire like us Sheffielders do, and all these damned computers they expect us to use, this Bill Gates must think who he is :roll:

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One thing I wish we did have here in the UK is REAL American food... I'm talking pulled pork, burnt ends, BBQ pits, red hot Buffalo wings, cornbread, pot roasts, grits... TGI Friday's and McDonald's just aren't cutting it for me! :(


Rutland Arms sell pulled pork (Cider Pig). Very very good it is too.

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i wonder if americans are sick of british culture coming to them though?

look at one of their biggest shows over there, house.... played by an english guy.

most of the game of thrones cast were british.

2 of the 3 biggest selling musical artists in the US are british (adele and mumford & sons)

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i wonder if americans are sick of british culture coming to them though?

look at one of their biggest shows over there, house.... played by an english guy.

most of the game of thrones cast were british.

2 of the 3 biggest selling musical artists in the US are british (adele and mumford & sons)



Why would Americans be sick of anything like that ? Americans don't seem to lose sleep over things that Brits do, , also if a TV program or a broadway show iis good doesn't matter where it came from, if it's good it's good.


Do Brits think it bothers Americans that colour is spelt color ? NO! :D Brits are attention getters, they have to complain about other peoples life style...God knows why, Americans don't bad mouth the British life style ,like Brits do, maybe it's because theres not a pub and a chip shop on every corner over here.... although a few chip shop wouldn't be bad :D

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Absolutely. I hate it :rant: and have done for many years. American culture is removing local culture, local creativity, local meaning for example starbucks. Our towns and cities are loosing their local identities because everywhere is the same. I visited Newcastle last year for the first time, stunning city architecturally but completely soulless. Chain bars, chains restaurants, chain cafes everywhere. It was so depressing :( and don't start me on spell check. I'm trying to change my macbook spell check from American English to real English, without much luck. And why do Americans have to redo perfectly wonderful films or TV from other countries e.g. Let The Right One In, The Killing, The Ring etc. I could keep on for ages ranting about how much I hate American culture........


Theres ten favorite chain restaurants listed on the other thread, which ones are AMerican ?

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