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Too much American 'culture' in the UK?

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Ha! Ha! ha! What did the Kriegsmarine have overall? The Bismarck, the Tirpitz? Big ships with big firepower right enough but which spent the war hiding out in the fjords of Norway.

Had they ventured out the Royal Navy or RAF would have finished them off in no time.

Why! The German navy didnt even have a carrier to it's name and the Lufrwaffe in no shape to protect those big vulnerable battleships from air attack.


The above Pleky reply will fit you too - you know about as much as he does - no - even less.

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Why does everybody assume that every American is an Adam and Eve fan :hihi:

Everytime some small obscure religious group somewhere in the US gets it's name in the media for either saying or doing something that is by any normal standard eccentric or outrageous forum members react like a bunch of dumb sheep.

You and I will never agree on much of anything but I was prepared to give you some credit for a higher level of intelligence which seems misplaced as you have joined the rest of the sheep who think that Americans are incapable of independent thought and opinion.

Your problem is your scant knowledge of the country.

Far right Evangelical politicians have for too long been given far too much exposure in the media and totally out of proportion to their numbers.


Don't even think of bringing up George Bush as a counter argument :D

This is most dishonest of you. As I have pointed out to you before:


"In the USA atleast yes that is what the average Xian believes. polls there return about 50% of those polled to be outright creationists.


1/3 - 1/4 believe in theistic evolution.


10-15% believe in evolution.




The notion that the US is "a nation of creationists." is one firmly based upon numerous polls which consistently show that only a distressingly small minority of those in the US have a scientific world view. You know this yet still dishonestly attempt to pretend my view is based upon media representations of Americans.

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Why does everybody assume that every American is an Adam and Eve fan :hihi:

Everytime some small obscure religious group somewhere in the US gets it's name in the media for either saying or doing something that is by any normal standard eccentric or outrageous forum members react like a bunch of dumb sheep.

You and I will never agree on much of anything but I was prepared to give you some credit for a higher level of intelligence which seems misplaced as you have joined the rest of the sheep who think that Americans are incapable of independent thought and opinion.

Your problem is your scant knowledge of the country.

Far right Evangelical politicians have for too long been given far too much exposure in the media and totally out of proportion to their numbers.


Don't even think of bringing up George Bush as a counter argument :D


Harley, If Einstein was on the BBC and a Football match on another channel, guess what would get the most ratings :hihi:

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I think you'll find that the kraut navy sank a serious number of brit ships, merchant and naval before they were run back to their bases.

They weren't 'run back to their bases' those that ventured out were sunk this is why the Nazis placed such emphasis upon Uboats and spent the rest of the war hiding their few remaining battleships & cruisers in Fjords.


The attrition rates for merchant shipping was horrendous - are you completely mad? You blab a good argument - problem is your 'facts' are mere inventions by you to make people who know no better think that -YO DA MAN!!

How is any of this supposed to rebut my argument that the Nazis were never in anything close to a position to control the seas and invade the UK or the US?


Yes early on uboats sunk a lot of merchant ships (I should know my Grandmas brother died when his ship was torpedoed) until we developed effective any sub warfare. But the fact that we had merchant ships crossing the atlantic at all just demonstrates the Nazis lack of seapower, and how impossible it would have been for the Nazis to invade the UK nevermind the US.


What you seem incapable of comprehending is that sinking a significant tonnage of merchant ships with uboats is a world away from having the control of the surface needed to mount a major amphibious invasion.

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This is most dishonest of you. As I have pointed out to you before:


"In the USA atleast yes that is what the average Xian believes. polls there return about 50% of those polled to be outright creationists.1/3 - 1/4 believe in theistic evolution.


10-15% believe in evolution.




The notion that the US is "a nation of creationists." is one firmly based upon numerous polls which consistently show that only a distressingly small minority of those in the US have a scientific world view. You know this yet still dishonestly attempt to pretend my view is based upon media representations of Americans.



If that's true it also has to be born in mind that separation of church and state was the intention of keeping religious interference out of government and that's essentially what matters.

The freedom of religious worship gave people the right to pursue their own beliefs no matter how radical or whacky. It all came under that phrase in the Constitution that said the people have the right to the "pursuit of happiness"


It's true that a small minority of very vocal people on the far religious right (thanks to an over indulgent media) harp on about "restoring religious values" to the nation somehow implying that if in power they could in any way have any influence in bringing this about but the Constitution is quite specific on that subject and that's also what matters

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And the Admiral Graf Spee.


If the Irish government had allowed Britain to establish naval and air force facilities on their west coast for the duration of the war then the Battle of the Atlantic could well have been won in half the time.

Their neutrality was based on the naive belief that Hitler would have spared them from occupation in the event that the rest of the Brish Isles were invaded

Hardly likely as the Atlantic coast would have also been ideal for U-Boat pens in any future conflict with America

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Harley, If Einstein was on the BBC and a Football match on another channel, guess what would get the most ratings :hihi:


Well just the same as anywhere really. When we were on the east coast group tour some of the others nicknamed me "professor" because I was modestly knowledgable on some of the history of the revolutionary war which it seems they didn't have much of a clue about. That was funny since they were Amrerican born and bred and I consider myself to be basically something of a Dolt :hihi: :hihi:

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