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Too much American 'culture' in the UK?

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Ha! Ha! ha! What did the Kriegsmarine have overall? The Bismarck, the Tirpitz? Big ships with big firepower right enough but which spent the war hiding out in the fjords of Norway.

Had they ventured out the Royal Navy or RAF would have finished them off in no time.

Why! The German navy didnt even have a carrier to it's name and the Lufrwaffe in no shape to protect those big vulnerable battleships from air attack.

One of the pleasant sights I saw at the Gareloch as a young sea cadet was the Tirpitz in 1945. Bottom up with her screws pointing up and motionless.
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Come on buck, I'm not saying that they'd use british seamen to fight in their own captured ships - they'd soon man the best ships of the line with good and true nazis - then they'd come and whup yer butts. You don't seem to have much regard for 'S.F.types' Buck - why's that?
Perhaps somewhere along the way in your ceaseless quest for knowledge you may have heard about the Pacific war carried out by ships of the USN and some British carriers. It was fought at sea almost exclusively by aircraft from the many carriers in action. Your Kriegsmarine battle wagons would not have survived among them. The main purpose of the Battle of Britain was to clear the air of British fighters so that the Home Fleet could be destroyed by the Luftwaffe. It didn't work. As to your comment about having our asses wupped. This is where the talk about SF types comes from. Some of them would love to have the United States reduced to nothing. Am I to include you in that number? It sometimes seems so. The bitter truth about the " ships of the line " is that many of the battleships of ther RN were elderly to say the least. Anson, Howe, Prince of Wales, and KG5 were modern enough, and the superb Vanguard was not commissioned during the war. She was the last of a dying breed. USS Missouri went into action during Desert Storm but has returned to Pearl as a museum piece.I think you might allow me a a little more knowledge about Naval matters than yourself. I am a retired Chief Petty Officer. I deal in facts, not what ifs.
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If that's true it also has to be born in mind that separation of church and state was the intention of keeping religious interference out of government and that's essentially what matters.

The freedom of religious worship gave people the right to pursue their own beliefs no matter how radical or whacky. It all came under that phrase in the Constitution that said the people have the right to the "pursuit of happiness"


It's true that a small minority of very vocal people on the far religious right (thanks to an over indulgent media) harp on about "restoring religious values" to the nation somehow implying that if in power they could in any way have any influence in bringing this about but the Constitution is quite specific on that subject and that's also what matters

America is so big and diverse that many of us don't know or really care about religious attitudes outside of our own sphere. My part of this country, the North East, is heavily Catholic with Boston and New York having large hispanic, Italian, and Irish American groups. In many small towns you'll find a synagogue, baptist, congregational, and Episcopal churches, Greek orthodox, and even some mosques. All of which manage to live together in reasonable peace. Charity in this country comes mostly from Church organizations like the Salvation Army and Knights of Columbus as well as the Service Clubs like the Lions or Elks. The point here is that the atheists are left alone to do what they like, and seldom spout off the usual drivel you hear on the forum.
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Gneisenauer? Was that named after the offspring of von Gneisenau and Adenauer?


What about the Merkel? - That's a battleship long overdue for sinking.:hihi::hihi:

How much time did it take you research all this? You could have spent the time you wasted washing the cat.:hihi:
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Perhaps somewhere along the way in your ceaseless quest for knowledge you may have heard about the Pacific war carried out by ships of the USN and some British carriers. It was fought at sea almost exclusively by aircraft from the many carriers in action. Your Kriegsmarine battle wagons would not have survived among them. The main purpose of the Battle of Britain was to clear the air of British fighters so that the Home Fleet could be destroyed by the Luftwaffe. It didn't work. As to your comment about having our asses wupped. This is where the talk about SF types comes from. Some of them would love to have the United States reduced to nothing. Am I to include you in that number? It sometimes seems so. The bitter truth about the " ships of the line " is that many of the battleships of ther RN were elderly to say the least. Anson, Howe, Prince of Wales, and KG5 were modern enough, and the superb Vanguard was not commissioned during the war. She was the last of a dying breed. USS Missouri went into action during Desert Storm but has returned to Pearl as a museum piece.I think you might allow me a a little more knowledge about Naval matters than yourself. I am a retired Chief Petty Officer. I deal in facts, not what ifs.



I think SUPERTYKE is just playing the old wind up game when he comes out with the occasional preposterous statements.

No so called invasion force that he conjoured up would have ever landed on American shores.


The French flotilla would have ordered "reverse screws" toute bloody suite after a bomb or two hit one of their ships :hihi:

As for the rest? All breeding hulks for a wonderful variety of deep sea life.


A fleet of B-17s and B-24s accompanied by a few squadrons of P-38s and 39s would have made that happen before they got anywhere near.




I just have to grin at the idea of the Wehrmacht, Mussolini's army and their new recently converted to Nazism Brtiish and French contingents landing somewhere near Nantucket island and moving inland to capture Boston, New York and Chicago.

This is just about as funny as "The mouse that roared" :hihi::hihi:

Without even having to deal with the regular military they would have been target practice for every cop, gangster and New England farmer for a hundred miles around. All of them very adept at the use of firearms


Even Japanese admiral Yamamoto with his large modern state of the art fleet of carriers and warships never intended to land a force on Hawaii


Boy, has this thread ever gone whacko !

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America is so big and diverse that many of us don't know or really care about religious attitudes outside of our own sphere. My part of this country, the North East, is heavily Catholic with Boston and New York having large hispanic, Italian, and Irish American groups. In many small towns you'll find a synagogue, baptist, congregational, and Episcopal churches, Greek orthodox, and even some mosques. All of which manage to live together in reasonable peace. Charity in this country comes mostly from Church organizations like the Salvation Army and Knights of Columbus as well as the Service Clubs like the Lions or Elks. The point here is that the atheists are left alone to do what they like, and seldom spout off the usual drivel you hear on the forum.


We've tolerated everything from the White Aryan Resistance to the Black Panthers. So long as they behave themselves like good little lads they can spout off all they want. Same with all the mountain dwelling, oddball doomsday nuts.

I'm not a churchgoer myself but I live in a town that has a large population of such. They'tre not wild eyed bible thumping fanatics trying to change the world. They seem to have a lot of fun organizing outings, baseball and basketball teams and camping trips.


If an atheist wants to stand outside a church with a sign saying "God dont exist" no one is going to harass him. Everyone knows what freedom of expression means.

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