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Too much American 'culture' in the UK?

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Are you really saying that all these people would have become "little heel clicking Sieg Heiling" Nazis? All ready to don swastika arm bands and become cannon fodder in the Fuhrer's great fight against Big Bad America?


Yoo insult your fellow Europeans across the board by making such an assumption as well as our Anglo-Saxon brothers in Australia.


As for Asians and Africans which you also include, Hitler was not an Equal opportunity employer" Only white Aryans and some select Slavs were allowed to fight in his army.


As for invading England in 1940 this was thought to be a viable option by the Nazis if Churchilll refused to sue for peace. As even a school kid will tell you

he needed to gain air superiority first... which he did not and the Royal Navy was such a threat to any invasion force that Admiral Doenitz probably talked him out of it.


His real agenda was to attack and destroy Russia and create a Greater Germany to the Ural mountains and attacked it in June 1941 sure that England was no longer a threat.



I'm not saying that ANY conquered peoples would become ''heel clicking Nazis.'' Here are some of the countries that formed the Axis core or fought alongside the krauts from the very beginning of the war ;- Japan, Italy, Hungary, Rumania, Bulgaria; co-beligerents were ;- Finland, Iraq, San Marino, Thailand, The Provisional Gov of Free India, Yugoslavia - the list goes on. So don't try to make out that Germany was so isolated and hated by the rest of the world.


The defeated nations wouldn't neccessarily have been expected to FIGHT for Germany - any more than most of the many thousands of captives did - but they would nevertheless have become a valuable war resourse.


Did you not know that by using prisoners as slave labour frees up others to do the actual fighting? Though, as you discover frequently, (but never seem to learn), defeated people will eagerly swop to the side that they THINK is going to be the winning side - often to their regret.


Of course air superiority must preclude an invasion - at least, when the territory to be invaded is territorially small as is Great Britain. But that's never been contended by me anyway. However the Nazis would simply have used airborn invasion and re-supply had they won the Battle of Britain rendering the Royal navy completely impotent.


However we won the Battle of Britain - by the skin of our teeth. (No thanks to the good old U.S.A. - who did ZILCH to help).


Our fighting men, alone against the most formidable and ruthless forces the world has ever known nevertheless whooped their Nazi asses through total determination - exemplary courage, and outstanding ability in combat. Also, let's not forget that our young men and women had the assistance of some of the finest inventive brains the world has ever known.


Read this carefully big boy - Im saying that this country came desperately near to total defeat MANY times during the war - while America sat on its fat arse and watched.


Let me just remind you that I'm talking about the American Government and not (neccessarily) the people of America. Though we all know that there were significant numbers of Americans who were over-joyed to see the limeys getting a kicking.


I know that you yanks like nothing better than to re-write history but your blatant disregard for the truth and in this case your ridiculous assertion that Hitler DID NOT desire WORLD DOMINATION is nothing less than laughable.


Just a reminder - Arney - Stallone - John Wayne etc etc etc were just movie stars - they didn't REALLY kick any ass - let alone Nazi ass.

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Is there too much Americana on British TV? Or in society- fast food, coffee...our behaviour and language?


The French have notoriously tried (or succeeded?) on several occasions to curtail all US culture in their society, and restrict the amount of English language in their media. Were they 'right' to at least try to halt the ceaseless tide of US adverts and TV shows etc, as we in the UK receive? Or were they missing out?


Not that I have a problem with Americans per sé, nor am an ultra-Tory etc, but there does seem to be a huge amount of US culture in our society?


Or does it not matter?


The French Government have got a lot bigger balls than our Government.The French even banned the Burka.The brit Government would tremble in their boots if someone was told to speak up about it.

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Your link shows that the WW1 loans were not repaid. However it does indicate why. It is also a good idea if "the buffoon" needs a lesson in the generosity of the US treasury, not only to the ex enemies, but to allies like yourselves at many occasions since the war. I refuse to talk to him personally.
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A quick word about "free stuff" and that nothing is free. America lent UK money during the first world war. To date, none of it was ever repaid. That's called "welshing"


I realise now Buck, that you are a very sad lost soul as well as a turn-coat. Someone not quite certain of their identity, unsure and insecure regarding their affiliations and loyalties.


For you are British by birth - therefore you are British - regardless of where in the world you are living. But of course - you are living in the bullies lair so you are compelled to suck up to him and side with him at the expense of your birthright and the truth - but even I'm surprised at the lengths that you will go to to disparage G.B. while glorifying the USA.


When you can accuse your own people of debt dodgin' (which is of course totally untrue) it only under-lines your own desperate need to claw back some credibility - you had your chance earlier in the thread and chose to fudge the truth in order to stay in with your 'pals'.


You are NEVER going to be an 'All American Boy' Buck - better face up to it - it must be so hard to spend your life trying to be something that you ain't eh pal?

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The US Treasury is indeed very generous - with the richest 5% of Americans. Oooo - American greed is REALLY showing up some 'inconsistancies just now eh guys?


Reaping the wind from the greed that you sowed or what? problem is - you're gonna take the rest of the world with you.




Do you realise how unconvincing your little funny faces are Buck?

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Yesterday was my 80th birthday. grateful for my fitness, my ability to hear, speak and think logically and well, blessed by a superb wife, sons, and 7 grandchildren. living in this den of iniquity, known as North America for 43 years, I am deeply distressed by the land of my birth being slowly destroyed by riot, arson, and murder, while at least one of its citizens spouts off, spit coming from his mouth, in insanity in his hatred of my adopted land. It is time that potential shoe bombers be brought to the attention of the powers that be.

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I'm not saying that ANY conquered peoples would become ''heel clicking Nazis.'' Here are some of the countries that formed the Axis core or fought alongside the krauts from the very beginning of the war ;- Japan, Italy, Hungary, Rumania, Bulgaria; co-beligerents were ;- Finland, Iraq, San Marino, Thailand, The Provisional Gov of Free India, Yugoslavia - the list goes on. So don't try to make out that Germany was so isolated and hated by the rest of the world.


The defeated nations wouldn't neccessarily have been expected to FIGHT for Germany - any more than most of the many thousands of captives did - but they would nevertheless have become a valuable war resourse.


Did you not know that by using prisoners as slave labour frees up others to do the actual fighting? Though, as you discover frequently, (but never seem to learn), defeated people will eagerly swop to the side that they THINK is going to be the winning side - often to their regret.


Of course air superiority must preclude an invasion - at least, when the territory to be invaded is territorially small as is Great Britain. But that's never been contended by me anyway. However the Nazis would simply have used airborn invasion and re-supply had they won the Battle of Britain rendering the Royal navy completely impotent.


However we won the Battle of Britain - by the skin of our teeth. (No thanks to the good old U.S.A. - who did ZILCH to help).


Our fighting men, alone against the most formidable and ruthless forces the world has ever known nevertheless whooped their Nazi asses through total determination - exemplary courage, and outstanding ability in combat. Also, let's not forget that our young men and women had the assistance of some of the finest inventive brains the world has ever known.


Read this carefully big boy - Im saying that this country came desperately near to total defeat MANY times during the war - while America sat on its fat arse and watched.


Let me just remind you that I'm talking about the American Government and not (neccessarily) the people of America. Though we all know that there were significant numbers of Americans who were over-joyed to see the limeys getting a kicking.


I know that you yanks like nothing better than to re-write history but your blatant disregard for the truth and in this case your ridiculous assertion that Hitler DID NOT desire WORLD DOMINATION is nothing less than laughable.


Just a reminder - Arney - Stallone - John Wayne etc etc etc were just movie stars - they didn't REALLY kick any ass - let alone Nazi ass.




Airborne divisons could never have been relied on as a force to totally subdue a country like Britain. Britain was not the island of Crete. And even on that small island the German paratroops suffered very heavy casualties to the point that Hitler never used them again in airborn landings.


The correct use of airborne troops was to parachute in, seize and hold vital strategic points until relieved by regular land based infantry backed up by tanks and artillery. This was demostrated in Operation Market Garden in July 1944. Brit and US airnborne units were parachuted in to seize and hold a number of Bridges on the Rhine while 30 Corps composed of tanks and infantry were to relieve them by land. As we all know it didnt work as any British Para veteran of Arnhem would tell you but aside from that the Airborne units were used as they were meant to be


Even Hitler wasn't dumb enough to contemplate relying on his Airborne units as an invasion force.


Without back up from a large land invasion on Britain's south coast his Airborne units would have been completely wiped out in a matter of days after some heavy and bloody fighting. As for resupply that wouldn't have done a bit of good. The German Airborne units didnt have enough manpower to cover the losses sustained in the first drop and the aircraft they had weren't much good at transporting the amount of other essential supplies needed as the Luftwaffe found out during the battle for Stalingrad.


Therefore to imagine that the Royal Navy could be bypassed in any invasion of Britain is just plain laughable


I'm sure that there were quite a number of Americans who were less than enthusiatic about getting involved in a European war.


There were those who thought that after the heavy losses suffered in WW1 that suffering the same in another war between European nations wasnt worth it


There were the traditional Isolatioists, strongly centered in the mid-west and Plains states who adhered to the notion of the Founding Fathers to avoid all foreign wars.


Then there were the German and Italian Americans who felt some ties and loyalty to their mother country and the Irish who because of England's past treatment of their native country were definitely against helping England in any way.


Dont forget that unlike England at that time America was made up of many people from different races and cultures and this was reflected in the politial make up of the government. Roosevelt unlike Chamberlain had not the power or overwheming support to just say "Hey! lets go and kick some Jerry ass"

There were complicated issues to deal with first

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You are challenging buffoonery, Harley. I have decided that I am wasting my time with him. I have better things to do with my time, like talking about putting VW engines in Harleys. By now he's probably trying to find out on Wikepedia if its possible. If so he will come up with the date of the first occurence, that it was not done in the US since nothing ever is.:hihi:I don't want him to leave however, I need a laugh a day, since my doctor has banned me from alcohol.


Gawdalmitey buck. A VW engine in a Harley? Turning an American classic into something that sounds like an electric sowing machine? And I'll bet you meant that funny little engine that came with the Beetle :o

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