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Too much American 'culture' in the UK?

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Well, I think that there is too much American culture anywhere. Though you got to agree that burgers really taste nice. Though for anything else, I think the invasion has slowly but surely taken over the minds of a lot of people. I do hope that they do not get into our sports though. But for F1, it is looking a little worked out with the addition of the US grand prix this year or for next year. I am not saying their culture is rubbish but we just have to protect our own.

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Well, I think that there is too much American culture anywhere. Though you got to agree that burgers really taste nice. Though for anything else, I think the invasion has slowly but surely taken over the minds of a lot of people. I do hope that they do not get into our sports though. But for F1, it is looking a little worked out with the addition of the US grand prix this year or for next year. I am not saying their culture is rubbish but we just have to protect our own.


Well maybe some Brits should stay out of the pubs so much and start thinking for themselves instead of blaming every one else for their life styles

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Well, I think that there is too much American culture anywhere. Though you got to agree that burgers really taste nice. Though for anything else, I think the invasion has slowly but surely taken over the minds of a lot of people. I do hope that they do not get into our sports though. But for F1, it is looking a little worked out with the addition of the US grand prix this year or for next year. I am not saying their culture is rubbish but we just have to protect our own.
Formula 1 is an international event run in countries from Japan to Canada. The US has every right to compete, as it has in the past at Watkin's Glen. It has a right to compete in the football world cup too. It runs a very succesful open tennis event, and sends quality players to Wimbledon. It has among the world's best golfers, athletes, skiers, cyclists, swimmers. It has run the summer and winter olympics several times to the satisfaction of the world. Tell me which of these several events does Britain have a right to say is theirs alone? Cricket maybe, but we have no desire to impose ourselves on the most boring game on earth next to baseball. America did not impose its culture on Britain. Britons chose to watch American movies and TV. They chose to eat at McDonalds or Pizza Hut. Those companies and others went to Britain in an effort to bring cheap tasty food to the masses suffering from such disasters as Wimpy's and succeeded. If people started calling chaps guys I'm sorry. I promise we'll still let you call hoods bonnets, and trunks boots, and allow you a green card from time to time if you're very very good.:)
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What I've found on my travels is that Americans and Germans are similar in several areas. OK they can be loud, but they set high standards and don't settle for second rate goods and service. It takes the average Brit tremendous courage to stand up for their rights.


I have never been to the States, but hazzard a guess that their burger bars offer better service and quality than ours. We could not do without American singers, musicians, actors and authors, neither could they do without ours.


There's nothing wrong with two cultures interacting with each other, we have family coming over from the States, they have asked for home made meat and tatty pie for Sunday lunch, we never eat it for Sunday lunch, bloody colonial heathens. :hihi:

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What I've found on my travels is that Americans and Germans are similar in several areas. OK they can be loud, but they set high standards and don't settle for second rate goods and service. It takes the average Brit tremendous courage to stand up for their rights.


I have never been to the States, but hazzard a guess that their burger bars offer better service and quality than ours. We could not do without American singers, musicians, actors and authors, neither could they do without ours.


There's nothing wrong with two cultures interacting with each other, we have family coming over from the States, they have asked for home made meat and tatty pie for Sunday lunch, we never eat it for Sunday lunch, bloody colonial heathens. :hihi:


Thats so funny, all the years I went backto Sheffield I always made sure my Mom had a meat & potato pie in the oven for me, she thought it was dead funny too :)...then it was all downhill after that, fish & chips every night :roll: Peacock on a Sunday

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What I've found on my travels is that Americans and Germans are similar in several areas. OK they can be loud, but they set high standards and don't settle for second rate goods and service. It takes the average Brit tremendous courage to stand up for their rights.


I have never been to the States, but hazzard a guess that their burger bars offer better service and quality than ours. We could not do without American singers, musicians, actors and authors, neither could they do without ours.


There's nothing wrong with two cultures interacting with each other, we have family coming over from the States, they have asked for home made meat and tatty pie for Sunday lunch, we never eat it for Sunday lunch, bloody colonial heathens. :hihi:

Then come on over if you can. We welcome Britons of good humor and sense. The drunken oafs who ruin your football games and such are welcome to stay home. Try our licensed or family restaurants for some of the best ethnic food in the world. If you're driving around, you'll often find a whole group of different restaurants and gas stations in what we call gasoline alleys. You'll meet waiters and waitresses that know how to smile and make you feel welcome. Don't worry if one of them asks you if you're from Norway, that happened to my cousin in Massachusets. Look at the number of cars outside the restaurant of your choice. If the parking lot is full or near full, try it. If its empty drive on.:)
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Thats so funny, all the years I went backto Sheffield I always made sure my Mom had a meat & potato pie in the oven for me, she thought it was dead funny too :)...then it was all downhill after that, fish & chips every night :roll: Peacock on a Sunday
Would that be the Peacock at Owler Bar up from Totley? I used to pedal up there from Abbeydale during the war to get a packet of fags for my Dad when they were hard to get in Sheffield.
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Would that be the Peacock at Owler Bar up from Totley? I used to pedal up there from Abbeydale during the war to get a packet of fags for my Dad when they were hard to get in Sheffield.


No Buck was the Peacock up Stannigton, still there, lovely little pub.

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Yesterday was my 80th birthday. grateful for my fitness, my ability to hear, speak and think logically and well, blessed by a superb wife, sons, and 7 grandchildren. living in this den of iniquity, known as North America for 43 years, I am deeply distressed by the land of my birth being slowly destroyed by riot, arson, and murder, while at least one of its citizens spouts off, spit coming from his mouth, in insanity in his hatred of my adopted land. It is time that potential shoe bombers be brought to the attention of the powers that be.


Belated happy birthday Buck. I sincerely hope that your grandchildren and their grandchildren get to enjoy such a long life.


I thought, at one point that I might just about be getting through to you. That you were maybe starting to realise that unless the ordinary people of America made a serious concerted and unified effort to speak out against America's obsessive determination to make cash NOW out of any and all resourses, the future for ALL of our grand-children would be compromised.


America knows no boundaries whatsoever in what it considers to be 'fair game' for exploitation. At least, here in your mother country we are hanging on to some semblance of moral integrity. I was hoping that maybe some of that integrity - if just a trace - might still reside in your British heart.


At least here in the U.K. we have yet to feed our children to the ravenous media machine in the organised and lucrative way that America does. But if a buck can be made out of it -regardles of the harm it may do - go ahead and do it eh Buck?


Your media maniacs happily destroy the hopes ambitions and characters of millions of kids every year - just to cash in on the occasional few that genuinely do have some showbiz skill. (Then you kick 'em into the can when they're too old and uncute to make it pay anymore).


We have yet to sit by while an epidemic of ill health destroys the happiness of millions through the shameless promotion of your junk food.


We have yet to charge exhorbitant fees for the privilege of restoring to health those made ill due to the consumption of the above or the mis-use of that below.


We have yet to acquire ludicrous and lax firearms laws that would endanger every man woman and child in our country.


We will never again be suckered into another Oil War just to keep your gas guzzling monster machines running and to keep the despicable weapons manufacturers in caviar and champagne. (While our boys die in dusty gutters in foreign lands).


It might appear that you are the focus of my wrath Buck - you are not.

It might appear that i blame America for the world's ills -- I DO! Because largely, IT IS!


You are an ordinary American Joe and it's ordinary American Joes and Josephines that need to stand up and object to the lunatics who will consume the planet and make millions of people miserable in the process - just for short term gain.


Although, I'm assuming that you are just an ordinary guy - fact is -you might well be an arms dealer or even a burger flipper at MacNasties - whatever you are and whatever you do, you shouldn't wonder why their are MILLIONS who really do despise your country.


Whilesoever you - and America believes so completely that we are on this earth solely for the purpose of converting its bounty into obscene wealth - riches for the few and utter misery for the many, America will deservedly remain reviled as the black heartless monster that it has become.

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I suppose it's a stature of a country's progress when it gets imitated, if the UK had some great TV shows to counteract those of America (and we have to admit they have the budget to make some excellent shows) then maybe other countries would start wanting to imitate

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