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Too much American 'culture' in the UK?

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Belated happy birthday Buck. I sincerely hope that your grandchildren and their grandchildren get to enjoy such a long life.


I thought, at one point that I might just about be getting through to you. That you were maybe starting to realise that unless the ordinary people of America made a serious concerted and unified effort to speak out against America's obsessive determination to make cash NOW out of any and all resourses, the future for ALL of our grand-children would be compromised.


America knows no boundaries whatsoever in what it considers to be 'fair game' for exploitation. At least, here in your mother country we are hanging on to some semblance of moral integrity. I was hoping that maybe some of that integrity - if just a trace - might still reside in your British heart.


At least here in the U.K. we have yet to feed our children to the ravenous media machine in the organised and lucrative way that America does. But if a buck can be made out of it -regardles of the harm it may do - go ahead and do it eh Buck?


Your media maniacs happily destroy the hopes ambitions and characters of millions of kids every year - just to cash in on the occasional few that genuinely do have some showbiz skill. (Then you kick 'em into the can when they're too old and uncute to make it pay anymore).


We have yet to sit by while an epidemic of ill health destroys the happiness of millions through the shameless promotion of your junk food.


We have yet to charge exhorbitant fees for the privilege of restoring to health those made ill due to the consumption of the above or the mis-use of that below.


We have yet to acquire ludicrous and lax firearms laws that would endanger every man woman and child in our country.


We will never again be suckered into another Oil War just to keep your gas guzzling monster machines running and to keep the despicable weapons manufacturers in caviar and champagne. (While our boys die in dusty gutters in foreign lands).


It might appear that you are the focus of my wrath Buck - you are not.

It might appear that i blame America for the world's ills -- I DO! Because largely, IT IS!


You are an ordinary American Joe and it's ordinary American Joes and Josephines that need to stand up and object to the lunatics who will consume the planet and make millions of people miserable in the process - just for short term gain.


Although, I'm assuming that you are just an ordinary guy - fact is -you might well be an arms dealer or even a burger flipper at MacNasties - whatever you are and whatever you do, you shouldn't wonder why their are MILLIONS who really do despise your country.


Whilesoever you - and America believes so completely that we are on this earth solely for the purpose of converting its bounty into obscene wealth - riches for the few and utter misery for the many, America will deservedly remain reviled as the black heartless monster that it has become.


Quite safe to eat burgers in the US, I think yours were made with your mad cow disease at one time, weren't they ? as for gas gussling, I dind't see too many Brits driving electric cars last time I was there :hihi: rest of your craps not worth answering.

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Belated happy birthday Buck. I sincerely hope that your grandchildren and their grandchildren get to enjoy such a long life.


I thought, at one point that I might just about be getting through to you. That you were maybe starting to realise that unless the ordinary people of America made a serious concerted and unified effort to speak out against America's obsessive determination to make cash NOW out of any and all resourses, the future for ALL of our grand-children would be compromised.


America knows no boundaries whatsoever in what it considers to be 'fair game' for exploitation. At least, here in your mother country we are hanging on to some semblance of moral integrity. I was hoping that maybe some of that integrity - if just a trace - might still reside in your British heart.


At least here in the U.K. we have yet to feed our children to the ravenous media machine in the organised and lucrative way that America does. But if a buck can be made out of it -regardles of the harm it may do - go ahead and do it eh Buck?


Your media maniacs happily destroy the hopes ambitions and characters of millions of kids every year - just to cash in on the occasional few that genuinely do have some showbiz skill. (Then you kick 'em into the can when they're too old and uncute to make it pay anymore).


We have yet to sit by while an epidemic of ill health destroys the happiness of millions through the shameless promotion of your junk food.


We have yet to charge exhorbitant fees for the privilege of restoring to health those made ill due to the consumption of the above or the mis-use of that below.


We have yet to acquire ludicrous and lax firearms laws that would endanger every man woman and child in our country.


We will never again be suckered into another Oil War just to keep your gas guzzling monster machines running and to keep the despicable weapons manufacturers in caviar and champagne. (While our boys die in dusty gutters in foreign lands). It might appear that you are the focus of my wrath Buck - you are not.

It might appear that i blame America for the world's ills -- I DO! Because largely, IT IS!


You are an ordinary American Joe and it's ordinary American Joes and Josephines that need to stand up and object to the lunatics who will consume the planet and make millions of people miserable in the process - just for short term gain.


Although, I'm assuming that you are just an ordinary guy - fact is -you might well be an arms dealer or even a burger flipper at MacNasties - whatever you are and whatever you do, you shouldn't wonder why their are MILLIONS who really do despise your country.


Whilesoever you - and America believes so completely that we are on this earth solely for the purpose of converting its bounty into obscene wealth - riches for the few and utter misery for the many, America will deservedly remain reviled as the black heartless monster that it has become.




Had to highlight that paragraph amongst all the other mistruths and innacuracies in your contribution above.


Let me get this straight. It's ony the bad old US that relies on oil? Britain doesn't need the stuff as the country had gone completely "green" overnight and about 30 million drivers in the UK are now tooling around in "all electric or natural gas" powered vehicles? :loopy: :loopy:


Also how many people in Britain are employed in the arms industry these days? Look at the weaponry of any army anywhere in the world today and if it aint American, Chinese, French or Russian it's gotta be British


I as much as any ex-pat grieve deeply over all the rioting, looting, destruction and burning in my native land. I have to wonder at your comment about "moral integrity" I think much of the younger generation in Britain's inner cities have dumped "moral integrity" for "chronic Yobbery"

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Had to highlight that paragraph amongst all the other mistruths and innacuracies in your contribution above.


Let me get this straight. It's ony the bad old US that relies on oil? Britain doesn't need the stuff as the country had gone completely "green" overnight and about 30 million drivers in the UK are now tooling around in "all electric or natural gas" powered vehicles? :loopy: :loopy:


Also how many people in Britain are employed in the arms industry these days? Look at the weaponry of any army anywhere in the world today and if it aint American, Chinese, French or Russian it's gotta be British

Why bother Harley. The man wishes me a happy 80th birthday, for which I gladly thank him, then proceeds on the same tired old diatribe. There is a bee in his bonnet that no common sense response will work on. It has become tiresome to the nth degree, but the mods like him I guess. Be careful with the use of smileys, you could get reported. Answer the ones who like us and the ones who can honestly see a problem with us and are worth an answer.
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I suppose it's a stature of a country's progress when it gets imitated, if the UK had some great TV shows to counteract those of America (and we have to admit they have the budget to make some excellent shows) then maybe other countries would start wanting to imitate


You could substitute TV shows for fast food. Where were all the entrepreneurs in Britain after WW2? The country was wide open for something new and imaginative to come along after years of dreary war diet.


I guess while the Kroc brothers were working away at starting up the McDonald's food chain in America to be shortly imitated by other American entrepreneurs British businessmen with money to invest couldn't see beyond the next house down when it came to new ideas in the food trade

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Why bother Harley. The man wishes me a happy 80th birthday, for which I gladly thank him, then proceeds on the same tired old diatribe. There is a bee in his bonnet that no common sense response will work on. It has become tiresome to the nth degree, but the mods like him I guess. Be careful with the use of smileys, you could get reported. Answer the ones who like us and the ones who can honestly see a problem with us and are worth an answer.


Be careful also buck if you post on the "Riots thread" You have to refer to the rioters with respect apparently. I got a 24 hour suspension for not doing so.

I dont mind going on putting in my 10 cents worth. Keeps me occupied between going cycling with the missus in the mornings and golfing in the evenings and it's too hot to be outdoors here in God' country twixt dawn and sunset.


Also belated happy birthday to you. May you continue to post your common sense comments on the SF for mamy more years. We would all be the poorer without them

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You could substitute TV shows for fast food. Where were all the entrepreneurs in Britain after WW2? The country was wide open for something new and imaginative to come along after years of dreary war diet.


I guess while the Kroc brothers were working away at starting up the McDonald's food chain in America to be shortly imitated by other American entrepreneurs British businessmen with money to invest couldn't see beyond the next house down when it came to new ideas in the food trade

The US company in Ohio, who were considering whether I would be worth, hiring sent me a first class ticket to Cincinnati. On the flight I got talking to a British catering exec. who had come over to study American methods. He was particularly interested in emulating the Ponderosa Steak Company and asked me what I thought. I told him I thought the prices were just right, you didn't have to wait a fortnight to get fed, but the steaks tasted over processed, and probably were. I told him a copycat company Bonanza were doing it better. In the end both companies went out of business, at least where I lived. Applebee's are doing OK, without being too expensive, The Outback seems to be losing its hold. One of the best imo is The Olive Garden if you like Italian. You have to get there early on a weekend to get a table:) BTW I got the job. back in 1971
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The US company in Ohio, who were considering whether I would be worth, hiring sent me a first class ticket to Cincinnati. On the flight I got talking to a British catering exec. who had come over to study American methods. He was particularly interested in emulating the Ponderosa Steak Company and asked me what I thought. I told him I thought the prices were just right, you didn't have to wait a fortnight to get fed, but the steaks tasted over processed, and probably were. I told him a copycat company Bonanza were doing it better. In the end both companies went out of business, at least where I lived. Applebee's are doing OK, without being too expensive, The Outback seems to be losing its hold. One of the best imo is The Olive Garden if you like Italian. You have to get there early on a weekend to get a table:) BTW I got the job. back in 1971


I love the Olive Garden Buck, my husband didn't care for it though, but Boston Markets still the best for your money...BTW Happy Birthday old geezer :D

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The US company in Ohio, who were considering whether I would be worth, hiring sent me a first class ticket to Cincinnati. On the flight I got talking to a British catering exec. who had come over to study American methods. He was particularly interested in emulating the Ponderosa Steak Company and asked me what I thought. I told him I thought the prices were just right, you didn't have to wait a fortnight to get fed, but the steaks tasted over processed, and probably were. I told him a copycat company Bonanza were doing it better. In the end both companies went out of business, at least where I lived. Applebee's are doing OK, without being too expensive, The Outback seems to be losing its hold. One of the best imo is The Olive Garden if you like Italian. You have to get there early on a weekend to get a table:) BTW I got the job. back in 1971




Actually the best steaks in the US are cooked right here in my back yard.

I dont use charcoal, although some claim that it enhances the taste which I dont agree with.


I have a big six burner stainless steel propane gas grill with a rotisserie for cooking chicken.

I get the temperature up to max heat for cooking then turn down the burners to medium setting and toss on the steaks.


They cook very quickly while I flip them over frequently, dousing the flames with a squirt bottle of water. I dust both sides very lighly with McCormicks Spicy Montreal steak seasoning and even lighter with garlic salt but very carefully as they might taste too salty.


When cooked all the way thru but with a very slight pinkish hue in the middle I pull them off the grill fast before the juices dissipate. The missus meanwhile has prepared the Texas chilli, mashed potatos and corn on the cob.


I've eaten in more steak restaurants than I've had hot showers but never yet found one to that can match me in steaks. Nowadays I rarely eat in a steak restaurant because of that.


One of the best steaks I tasted was in New York on a recent trip and the clam chowder they served was fantastic. I wish I could have found out what they put in it. It even beat the clam chowder they serve on the Seattle waterfront

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I love the Olive Garden Buck, my husband didn't care for it though, but Boston Markets still the best for your money...BTW Happy Birthday old geezer :D


Me too. We have an Olive Garden about two miles from me.


Best Ribs....... Great Chicago Rib Company


Best steaks........Mine


Best seafood......... A small reataurant on the ocean front in Morro Bay, California


Best burgers....... In 'N Out


Best Coffee...... Seattle's Best


Best Donuts....... The Donut Shop. Pokey little place on Route 66 but they make donuts like you've never tasted before



Best family retaurants....... Bob Evans although we dont have in California, Applebees, The Claim Jumper and Millies who serve a wonderful sheperds pie and chicken pot pie

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Actually the best steaks in the US are cooked right here in my back yard.

I dont use charcoal, although some claim that it enhances the taste which I dont agree with.


I have a big six burner stainless steel propane gas grill with a rotisserie for cooking chicken.

I get the temperature up to max heat for cooking then turn down the burners to medium setting and toss on the steaks.


They cook very quickly while I flip them over frequently, dousing the flames with a squirt bottle of water. I dust both sides very lighly with McCormicks Spicy Montreal steak seasoning and even lighter with garlic salt but very carefully as they might taste too salty.


When cooked all the way thru but with a very slight pinkish hue in the middle I pull them off the grill fast before the juices dissipate. The missus meanwhile has prepared the Texas chilli, mashed potatos and corn on the cob.


I've eaten in more steak restaurants than I've had hot showers but never yet found one to that can match me in steaks. Nowadays I rarely eat in a steak restaurant because of that.


One of the best steaks I tasted was in New York on a recent trip and the clam chowder they served was fantastic. I wish I could have found out what they put in it. It even beat the clam chowder they serve on the Seattle waterfront


Harley, my son cooks the steaks the same way, never tasted better, in fact his company sells those grills to Home Depo & Lowes , they can start off around $300 and up.

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