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Too much American 'culture' in the UK?

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Wow Rupert ! Formal dining egad ! Now you've got me all in a tither and the missus is about to have a nervous breakdown. Could it be that us Colonials haven't been using the correct spoons for soup and dessert? :o :o


Were the knives forks and spoons all arranged in the right order by our plates at last night's meal? And the napkins? My God ! They were paper disposable bought at Costco instead of pure silk from Pierre's on Rodeo Drive.


As for the seating arrangements? "A complete and utter disaster my deah!" Clue me in on that part will you?


Also I've got a 'orrible feeling that I've been slipping up badly on the dress code. Open neck, short sleeve sports shirts dont cut it I guess. From now on it's cravats, dining jackets and cummerbunds


It's no wonder that Yanks, Canadians, Aussies and New Zelanders often make fun of the more prissy aspects of our cousins in the old country


:hihi: :hihi: :hihi:


Hey, someone must be dining in style over there otherwise Pierre's wouldn't exist.


And us slobs over here can match you person for person over there when it comes to eating like a pig. :hihi:

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Hey, someone must be dining in style over there otherwise Pierre's wouldn't exist.


And us slobs over here can match you person for person over there when it comes to eating like a pig. :hihi:


Hard to beat those Sunday Pub dinners :love:

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We have a Johnny Rockets Diner here, not too many of them, 50s stlye, red padded booths, crome chairs,vintage tables and those mini jukeboxes on all the tables, the staff dressed as "soda jerks, puts on nickle on your table as soon as you sit down ready to play the jukebox...food it excellent, place is always packed.


I always liked Rubys Diner over Johnny/Eddie Rockets.

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You Yanks are not getting the point, our American relatives are coming over to the UK soon, and expect the wife and I to be dressed as Mr Pickwick and little Nell. I am going to fight back, they will eat gruel and sleep in the garage on straw beds.


Bloody colonials. ;)

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Hey, someone must be dining in style over there otherwise Pierre's wouldn't exist.


And us slobs over here can match you person for person over there when it comes to eating like a pig. :hihi:


Pierre's was a figment of my imagination but I reckon there must be stores on snooty Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills who sell pure silver cutlery and silk napkins and have an English butler in their employ who can educate their well off clients in the finer arts of formal dining :hihi:


Hey! If I barbecued chicken and ribs on a daily basis I would more than likely forget what knives and forks are used for. I still most often eat Euro style though using both knife and fork instead of cutting first and scooping up with a fork afterwards :hihi:

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You Yanks are not getting the point, our American relatives are coming over to the UK soon, and expect the wife and I to be dressed as Mr Pickwick and little Nell. I am going to fight back, they will eat gruel and sleep in the garage on straw beds.


Bloody colonials. ;)


When I brought my wife over on her first visit she mentioned that she hadn't seen any bowler hats, pin striped suits and umbrellas.


I took her up to London's west end and the financial district. Curiosity was duly satisfied


I think we suffer from too much Hollywood on both sides of the pond

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You Yanks are not getting the point, our American relatives are coming over to the UK soon, and expect the wife and I to be dressed as Mr Pickwick and little Nell. I am going to fight back, they will eat gruel and sleep in the garage on straw beds.


Bloody colonials. ;)


Don't forget to warm the beer .:)

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I think ice cold English beer would taste just as lousy as room temperature American beer.


The Newcaste Brown they serve at my watering hole is served slightly chilled though

At one of my watering holes here in CT, they used to sell Sam Smith's Tadcaster Ale, or is it John Smith's, I can't remember. Anyway I couldn't enjoy it ice cold and used to have to wait for it to cool down, which meant I drank less. So the owner started pulling them out about an hour before I got there, so they were ready. I loved those taddy's even if I can't remember if it was Sam or John.:)
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