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Too much American 'culture' in the UK?

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Maybe nutters like Jane Fonda might agree with you on that point. Otherwise ponder the fact than Americans are always there whenever disaster strikes anywhere in the world whether it's Haiti, Japan or New Zealand. Always the first in with whatever kind of help is needed. The American record of generosity goes far back. Who financed the rebuilding of postwar Germany and Japan.


As for threats to word peace I would say more accurately that radical Islamic extremism and the continuing very real tension between India and Pakistan over Kashmir is also grave cause for concern considering that both have nukes and Pakistan by itself with an unstable government and close ties to the Taleban could be a future nightmare to come.


As for the Irish. Yes. there were some who worked for the Nazis. The Irish government with it's decison to go neutral and deny the west coast to British naval facilities may well have delayed the turning point in the war against the U-boat menace and caused the death of some few thousand merchant marine crew in addition.


There were also as you say many more Irishmen who joined up and fought for Britain. My uncle was one. Flew Spits and Shackletions all thru the conflict and left the RAF in mid 1960s with the rank of Group Captain


As for the ever present complaint that the yanks should have come into the war a lot earlier may I recommend a very excellent work by an author named

James MacGregor Burns titled "Roosevelt the soldier of freedom 1940-1945"


It's a lengthy work and requires some reading but gives a deep insight and detailed account of what America was at that time and the immense problems Roosevelt was up against in 1940/41 when Britain, Russia and China were all crying out for military and other aid in addition to the many domestic and political problems he had to face at home.

Tyke continues to fail to understand the reasons it took for America to remain neutral. Three ethnic groups were very strong then. The largest being German, then Irish and Italian. Many of the Germans thought that at least the US should aid Germany, the Irish Americans wanted no part of aiding Britain, and Italy was Germany's ally. It took Pearl Harbor to force America into war with Japan. Hitler declared war on America, not the other way round. If some events in post war have upset Tyke and others, then he should check his own country's record and that of many others. If he can find a UK equivalent to the Marshall Plan I'd be glad to hear of it. But he won't you can bet. Just the same old same old.
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Is there too much Americana on British TV? Or in society- fast food, coffee...our behaviour and language?


The French have notoriously tried (or succeeded?) on several occasions to curtail all US culture in their society, and restrict the amount of English language in their media. Were they 'right' to at least try to halt the ceaseless tide of US adverts and TV shows etc, as we in the UK receive? Or were they missing out?


Not that I have a problem with Americans per sé, nor am an ultra-Tory etc, but there does seem to be a huge amount of US culture in our society?


Or does it not matter?


There is a lot of American cuture over here but I don't think it matters all that much really does it :)....... apart from denim that is!:mad:

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Tyke continues to fail to understand the reasons it took for America to remain neutral. Three ethnic groups were very strong then. The largest being German, then Irish and Italian. Many of the Germans thought that at least the US should aid Germany, the Irish Americans wanted no part of aiding Britain, and Italy was Germany's ally. It took Pearl Harbor to force America into war with Japan. Hitler declared war on America, not the other way round. If some events in post war have upset Tyke and others, then he should check his own country's record and that of many others. If he can find a UK equivalent to the Marshall Plan I'd be glad to hear of it. But he won't you can bet. Just the same old same old.




I think I've used up my dollar's worth of opinion for what it was worth. If posters want to go on parroting the same old gripe that America should have entered WW2 at the start then let em go for it.


In the meantime I'll get back to my knitting

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And here's me thinking they were very large elderly bombers with eight engines. Oh, now I see the connection!


The only bomber that has been in service for three generations I believe.


There's plenty of them rusting away in the Arizona desert

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My very favorite is Hobsons Choice, it was on TCM last week , second, Goodby Mr chips, the one with Pet Clark.


Aye poppins Hobson's is a favourite of mine also. Three of Britains greatest actors, John Mills, Charles Lawton and Brenda de Banzie (Banzy).

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Why are you including me for something Harley wrote about Ireland?



I thought I made it pretty clear why in earlier posts but here it is again.


You are quite ready to say that because I said that G.B. came close to being defeated many times in WW2 I'm 'putting down my countrymen' - you've now gone on to say that I'd be lynched for my defeatist attitudes??? That's like saying that Richard Dawking should be executed for dis-believing in God!!


I said earlier that you would compromise the truth rather than disagree with your buddies - which is why I reminded you of Harls statement that, ''The Irish sided with Nazism'', about which you made no comment whatsoever.


I like the way you guys are at least consistant in that you accuse anyone who disagrees with you as being insane. I see the very courageous Jane Fonda is your latest victim.


Here are some of the things I'm saying that most intelligent Americans would agree with. (Harl and yourself are neither).



America should have at least strongly objected to Germany's invasion of Poland.


America should have done the right thing regardless of ethnic pressure - Hitler was clearly waging aggressive war against weak nations with no justification whatsoever.


America should have made serious objections when American passenger/merchant shipping was attacked - regardless of whether Germany suspected that these vessels were transporting war materials or not.


American firearm laws need a serious reveiw.


Americas policy on conservation and renewable energy need to be seriously reveiwed.


I'm determined to hinder you in your blatent hi-jacking of this thread. It could have been an interesting and useful thread were it not for you descending en mass on anyone who in any way criticises America.

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Here are some of the things I'm saying that most intelligent Americans would agree with. (Harl and yourself are neither).



America should have at least strongly objected to Germany's invasion of Poland.


America should have done the right thing regardless of ethnic pressure - Hitler was clearly waging aggressive war against weak nations with no justification whatsoever.


America should have made serious objections when American passenger/merchant shipping was attacked - regardless of whether Germany suspected that these vessels were transporting war materials or not.


American firearm laws need a serious reveiw.


Americas policy on conservation and renewable energy need to be seriously reveiwed.


I'm determined to hinder you in your blatent hi-jacking of this thread. It could have been an interesting and useful thread were it not for you descending en mass on anyone who in any way criticises America.


Some Americans may agree with those statements, some may disagree. It isn't really down to you to decide that proponents of one view or another are more or less intelligent than the other.

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