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Too much American 'culture' in the UK?

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Some Americans may agree with those statements, some may disagree. It isn't really down to you to decide that proponents of one view or another are more or less intelligent than the other.


O.K. I'll put it this way - any thinking American with an ounce of common sense and a modicom of concern regarding the welfare of ordinary people - would agree on the whole with my statements.

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I thought I made it pretty clear why in earlier posts but here it is again.


You are quite ready to say that because I said that G.B. came close to being defeated many times in WW2 I'm 'putting down my countrymen' - you've now gone on to say that I'd be lynched for my defeatist attitudes??? That's like saying that Richard Dawking should be executed for dis-believing in God!!


I said earlier that you would compromise the truth rather than disagree with your buddies - which is why I reminded you of Harls statement that, ''The Irish sided with Nazism'', about which you made no comment whatsoever.


I like the way you guys are at least consistant in that you accuse anyone who disagrees with you as being insane. I see the very courageous Jane Fonda is your latest victim.


Here are some of the things I'm saying that most intelligent Americans would agree with. (Harl and yourself are neither).



America should have at least strongly objected to Germany's invasion of Poland.


America should have done the right thing regardless of ethnic pressure - Hitler was clearly waging aggressive war against weak nations with no justification whatsoever.


America should have made serious objections when American passenger/merchant shipping was attacked - regardless of whether Germany suspected that these vessels were transporting war materials or not.


American firearm laws need a serious reveiw.


Americas policy on conservation and renewable energy need to be seriously reveiwed.


I'm determined to hinder you in your blatent hi-jacking of this thread. It could have been an interesting and useful thread were it not for you descending en mass on anyone who in any way criticises America.


So what do you think about the UK's actions in relation to Japan's invasion of China? Or do you have different standards for the UK and the USA, after all although our history books state the WW2 started in 1939 the reality is that it started when Japan invaded Manchuria.

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I thought I made it pretty clear why in earlier posts but here it is again.


You are quite ready to say that because I said that G.B. came close to being defeated many times in WW2 I'm 'putting down my countrymen' - you've now gone on to say that I'd be lynched for my defeatist attitudes??? That's like saying that Richard Dawking should be executed for dis-believing in God!!


I said earlier that you would compromise the truth rather than disagree with your buddies - which is why I reminded you of Harls statement that, ''The Irish sided with Nazism'', about which you made no comment whatsoever.


I like the way you guys are at least consistant in that you accuse anyone who disagrees with you as being insane. I see the very courageous Jane Fonda is your latest victim.


Here are some of the things I'm saying that most intelligent Americans would agree with. (Harl and yourself are neither).



America should have at least strongly objected to Germany's invasion of Poland.


America should have done the right thing regardless of ethnic pressure - Hitler was clearly waging aggressive war against weak nations with no justification whatsoever.


America should have made serious objections when American passenger/merchant shipping was attacked - regardless of whether Germany suspected that these vessels were transporting war materials or not.


American firearm laws need a serious reveiw.


Americas policy on conservation and renewable energy need to be seriously reveiwed.


I'm determined to hinder you in your blatent hi-jacking of this thread. It could have been an interesting and useful thread were it not for you descending en mass on anyone who in any way criticises America.

Britain made a pact with Poland to come to its aid in the event of an aggression against it. So what happened. you declared war on Germany and let Poland die. Nuff said:rant:
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So what do you think about the UK's actions in relation to Japan's invasion of China? Or do you have different standards for the UK and the USA, after all although our history books state the WW2 started in 1939 the reality is that it started when Japan invaded Manchuria.
The man is so obsessed with his determination that America is the great satan, that he can only paint a picture of a peace loving idyllic place called the United Kingdom. We know that isn't true, much as I love the land of my birth. We need go back no further than the Black and Tans for an instance. Events that shamed us all, Dresden, a totally unnecessary attack on a non industrial university city destroyed with immense loss of life on Bomber Harris's orders. The USAAF also participated in that attack too, to America's shame.
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The thing is it isn't American culture is it. It a smorgasbord of influences from the immigrants who populated it's shores. The U.S.A isn't really old enough to have a culture of it's own.


The only real 'american' culture is that of the Native American and I don't see too many wig wams in the UK.

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I hate the Yanks as much as the next person, but there's been a lot of good TV come out of there IMO, most of the comedies I watched in the 80s were products of America, the likes of ALF, Metal Mickey etc (although I think MM might have been English made)


Metal Mickey had Irene Handle in it, so very def made in England... Although it might have been an idea to have sent her to the US to infiltrate hollywood!!! She could have upstaged Bette Davies in her day, I am sure :)


Back to OP - I am no fan of American TV, I quite often do not 'get' the references and their sense of humour is lost on me... Friends was supposed to be funny? I guessed this, cos of the canned laughter, but it just never was... Their films are pumped out by the dozen, and tend to be dull... Much prefer a UK film or a European one... UK TV is far and away better than US... Although I understand that they are making more intelligent TV these days, such as The Wire, etc? Haven't bothered looking at this, but have heard that this show at least isn't stomach wrenchingly bad...


Now they are going the way of Japan and even the UK before them, I guess we shall have to get used to the Chinese costume dramas that are a staple of Chinese TV?

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Britain made a pact with Poland to come to its aid in the event of an aggression against it. So what happened. you declared war on Germany and let Poland die. Nuff said:rant:


Woah, you are well off point there! The Polish joined the UK forces and fought long and hard against the germans alongside us... This is why we've had such a strong and longstanding Polish community in the UK, but then you'd know this, living in England as you do... Hmm...

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I thought I made it pretty clear why in earlier posts but here it is again.


You are quite ready to say that because I said that G.B. came close to being defeated many times in WW2 I'm 'putting down my countrymen' - you've now gone on to say that I'd be lynched for my defeatist attitudes??? That's like saying that Richard Dawking should be executed for dis-believing in God!!


I said earlier that you would compromise the truth rather than disagree with your buddies - which is why I reminded you of Harls statement that, ''The Irish sided with Nazism'', about which you made no comment whatsoever.


I like the way you guys are at least consistant in that you accuse anyone who disagrees with you as being insane. I see the very courageous Jane Fonda is your latest victim.Here are some of the things I'm saying that most intelligent Americans would agree with. (Harl and yourself are neither).



America should have at least strongly objected to Germany's invasion of Poland.


America should have done the right thing regardless of ethnic pressure - Hitler was clearly waging aggressive war against weak nations with no justification whatsoever.


America should have made serious objections when American passenger/merchant shipping was attacked - regardless of whether Germany suspected that these vessels were transporting war materials or not.


American firearm laws need a serious reveiw.Americas policy on conservation and renewable energy need to be seriously reveiwed.


I'm determined to hinder you in your blatent hi-jacking of this thread. It could have been an interesting and useful thread were it not for you descending en mass on anyone who in any way criticises America.




The "Very courageous Jane Fonda?" Don't make me laugh. She had every right under freedom of speech to express her opposition to the Vietnam war but the fact that she went to North Vietnam and was photographed wearing an NVA issue helmet sitting on an anti-aircraft gun was treasonable and only the fact that the war was an undeclared war saved her from being arrested and tried on that charge. Many years later she tried to excuse her actions by making a lame statement that "she was unaware that her action would be used by the North Vietnamese for propaganda purposes"


There's a very big difference between verbally speaking out against a war as opposed to actively participating in assisiting the enemy for the purposes of propaganda or in any other way helping to further the aims of that enemy.


You'd have been the first to start squealing if they had let Lord Haw-Haw go free at the end of WW2. So quit playing the hypocrite


Furthermore I never mad the statement that the "Irish sided with Nazism" so enough of tht ballyhoo.

I stated facts that:


A. The Irish Republic chose to go neutral


B. There was a sentiment among Irish-Americans against assisting Britain at the beginning of the war. That sentiment did not mean that they supported Nazism. (If you can ever be bothered to get off your ass and visit the American cemetery overlooking Omaha Beach you'll see plenty of Irish names among the 10,000 other crosses in that place and even on any British war memorial)


C. That there may have been co-operation between the IRA and the Nazis

at some point during the war.


Does that mean that the "IRISH sided with Nazism?" Don't be ridiculous lad


As for your views on the firearms issue quit making me laugh. The only people who own firearms in England are the gang bangers in the inner city areas. The recent riots all started over an incident when the London police were trying to deal with that problem and a man, a drug dealer among other things apparently was shot during an attemped arrest.


You need to start getting your facts straight SUPERTYKE if you want to go on discussiong the issues with me otherwise you'll lose every time :hihi:

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Metal Mickey had Irene Handle in it, so very def made in England... Although it might have been an idea to have sent her to the US to infiltrate hollywood!!! She could have upstaged Bette Davies in her day, I am sure :)


Back to OP - I am no fan of American TV, I quite often do not 'get' the references and their sense of humour is lost on me... Friends was supposed to be funny? I guessed this, cos of the canned laughter, but it just never was... Their films are pumped out by the dozen, and tend to be dull... Much prefer a UK film or a European one... UK TV is far and away better than US... Although I understand that they are making more intelligent TV these days, such as The Wire, etc? Haven't bothered looking at this, but have heard that this show at least isn't stomach wrenchingly bad...


Now they are going the way of Japan and even the UK before them, I guess we shall have to get used to the Chinese costume dramas that are a staple of Chinese TV?



So if American TV is so bad why does it continue to be imported? There must be a demand for it... right? True or false?


You dont export ice boxes to the North Pole do you?


The American sense of humour is different from the British by a long chalk. Just because a common language is shared doesn't mean there is a binding common culture.


I'm fortunate enough to be able to appreciate both kinds of humour

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