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Too much American 'culture' in the UK?

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The majority of American people are amazing! How can you tar an entire nation with the same brush? Eh?


Says more about you than the "yanks" you hate!!


Spot on comments;nothing wrong with Dylan ,Hendrix,Steinbeck,Roosevelt,King,Ali and Dorothy Parker.Remember before we were exploited by MNCs they practised on the USA

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If that is true, I can't believe it, that is a damn disgrace!


And they have the audacity to quote our children prices for university in £, they might aswell use $. Shame upon our education system.


Can you provide a link?


IUPAC changed the official spelling of sulfur, sulfide and sulfite years and years ago - the papers that referenced it by those names were perfectly correct to do so.

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In Montreal they still complain about Bret Hart getting screwed out of the WWF Championship at the 1997 Survivor Series, no really they do... On most wrestling fan sites.


In England people still go on and on about winning the world cup in 1966! really, they do!

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Definately.............. skateboards.......pain in the neck trying to dodge teenagers on them.

Hooded tops.......commonly worn by teenagers hanging around in groups.....intimidating,

they even have the hood up when the weather is hot and sunny !

Base ball caps.......what can you say about these....... majority of teens wear them as part of their dress code as though its a uniform.

Burger bars....... everywhere you go doesn't matter which city, there's always loads of them.

Rap Music......again American culture !


Is the hoodie an American invention??


Everything else on your list is amazing! Thank you America!



I think you have just got issues with young people and youth culture!

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As long as the Americans keep sending across TV programs like "How I Met Your Mother" and "the Big Bang Theory" I'll not be complaining.


Are they any good? I've been walking the streets aimlessly every night since Murdoch bought Lost (I don't have Sky)

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Are they any good? I've been walking the streets aimlessly every night since Murdoch bought Lost (I don't have Sky)


I love them, Sheldon Cooper and Barney Stinson and both genius comedy characters, I would like to understand the thought process that created them. I think you need to watch them from the first series so you really can get the character jokes. I can't explain why somebody knocking on a door and saying Penny 5 times is funny, but it is!

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I love them, Sheldon Cooper and Barney Stinson and both genius comedy characters, I would like to understand the thought process that created them. I think you need to watch them from the first series so you really can get the character jokes. I can't explain why somebody knocking on a door and saying Penny 5 times is funny, but it is!


Oh, ok, I'll take a look. It's not the usual hollywood-soft-porn crap is it? The party like a rockstar shake it like a porn star hellcats sort of thing?


I can be a bit of a prude at times. And those program titles are a bit of a double entendre :blush:

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It does seem that people use (or misuse?) certain words, and the root of this often seems to be America and American culture... Lots of kids don't know the true meaning of 'Awesome' or else far fewer things would be:) Bad spelling and poor pronounciation gets my goat too - If someone cannot pronounce a word, the shouldn't go to a American chat show for assistance! You wouldn't go to Jeremy Kyle's contestants for linguistic advice, after all :)

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I think so. I think all TV channels, radio stations etc should have to show a minimum amount of homegrown content. I also think American fast food franchises should be banned.


All your miseries are caused by the fact that British entertainment with the exception of some genuinly good TV shows is pretty much useless these days.

As for the food it was so bland, limited in variety, sparse in quantity and half heartedly prepared that it was wide open for American fast food to grab the market.

Too bad that there were no European entrepreneurs with enough foresight and imagination to see that fast tasty food was something that people on the go really wanted instead of cold sandwiches, prepared at home and carried to work in a brown paper bag.

Wasn't it post war yank enrepreneurs who also saw a market for reasonably priced, clean overnight lodgings with a room with it's own bathroom and TV as something that travelers would also want while on the road?

Welcome to the world of chain motels.


European business was too slow on the uptake after WW2 to see what would capture the market and that's why the yanks run the show now so liive with it old pal.

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