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Only 7% sickness benefit claimants unable to do any sort of work

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Translation: This makes uncomfortable reading for the left so can you all please drop this before we get really embarrassed about the money we chucked at these people to buy votes....



It was the Milk Snatcher who shunted thousands of people onto inavilidty benefit in the 80's to massage down the unemployment figures.

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At least you have admitted you don't want paid work.


I do want paid work, but I want to be able to earn at least basic minimum wage, and under the current rules I can't without being forced to come off benefits, which would render me homeless as I'd have to give up the Flat, and I can't just move back in with my Parents, as I have carers due to my personal circumstances.

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I do want paid work, but I want to be able to earn at least basic minimum wage, and under the current rules I can't without being forced to come off benefits, which would render me homeless as I'd have to give up the Flat, and I can't just move back in with my Parents, as I have carers due to my personal circumstances.


I dont think you will find many other people on NMW being able to keep out of work benefits.


As for being homeless, most people who work spend a very large chunk of their income paying for the roof over there head.


You always seem to have a list aslong as your arm to why you cant work, but can do voulntry. IMO it just looks like you dont want to work as life is pretty good having everything paid for.

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I do want paid work, but I want to be able to earn at least basic minimum wage, and under the current rules I can't without being forced to come off benefits, which would render me homeless as I'd have to give up the Flat, and I can't just move back in with my Parents, as I have carers due to my personal circumstances.


Once you had a job you would be able to use the money from that to pay for your flat wouldn't you? Aren't you allowed to keep certain benefits if you are on low income too?

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The OP's post is a bit misleading and does not give the full figures.


Quote from the BBC article;


7% were incapable of any work

17% were able to do some sort of work given the correct support

39% were deemed to be fit for work and were moved onto jobseeker's allowance

36% dropped out of the application process

1% of applications were still in progress


The important bits are that 39% were deemed fit to work and that 17% could do some sort of work, given the correct support.


So what exactly does the bit in bold mean, who will asses those people and give them that support and work? According to the literature A4E, Remploy and Wise ability should already tailor their services to meet the individual needs of the unemployed and at the moment they don't.


The bottom line is that the benefits budget is set to increase as a direct result of funding the many private companies who deal with these people. Now that is something worth complaining about!

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We could be asking what is poor? To me, poor is when you can't afford to eat reasonably well, when you can't afford to live in a half decent home, or heat it adequately. Yet governments say being poor is when incomes are below a certain level. I'd suggest that spending choices also have a bearing on our standard of living.
That pretty much sums up my view on 'poverty' in the UK.


People have food, water, shelter, clothing and more than a few luxuries, and this is provided even to those who choose to do nothing for themselves.


The truth is that in world terms everybody in the UK is quite well off unless they squander what is provided for them, but it's impossible to cater for some people's crass stupidity.

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I do want paid work, but I want to be able to earn at least basic minimum wage, and under the current rules I can't without being forced to come off benefits, which would render me homeless as I'd have to give up the Flat, and I can't just move back in with my Parents, as I have carers due to my personal circumstances.
So you don't want work at minimum wage because you choose a better standard of living on benefits.

I suppose most of us can understand your choice.

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Hard to believe, but I had to be classed as "unfit to work" in order to get disability benefits to which I am entitled, yet I've been doing voluntary work for nigh on 20 years!


If you can do voluntary work, you could just as easily work for cash so you aren't entitled to anything but a kick up the arse and being told to get some work done. :)

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