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Favourite memories of being little

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Making "slop dosh" (mud and water mixed together), digging out the melted tar on the road with a lollipop stick (due to the hot summers in the 70's), catching ladybirds in jamjars and sticking bits of privet in with them, making "perfume" with rose petals. Simple things but we had a great time.


All enjoyed with my best friend who now lives on the Isle of Man.:D


I was born in the late 80's and used to do all these!. I also remember buying sweets and POP from the breadman in his red van! And being naughty collecting dust caps. Climbing trees and making dens too.

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Hulleys ice cream factory was just down the road and they had a kiosk at the top of the drive. In the summer my mum and dad used to take me and my brother to the Travellers at Ecclesfield becuse had a beer garden with swings and on the way we would pass Hulleys and get the most enormous ice creams I have ever seen complete with flakes, strawberry sauce and hundreds and thousands - all for 3d (just over 1p in todays money):love::love::love:


Thank you that's another memory bring back that i use to have to about this factory. My mum and "aunty" my mum best friend used to work here.I remember her bringing back ice cream on warm days for us and our friends.Was not aloud it on cooler days just has a treat on warmer days.I remember us all waiting on the brook part of Ecclesfield waiting for mum to end work wile we played hot in the weather and her bringing us ice cream.

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Making perfume from rose petals and water.

Daisy chains.

Playing on the scaffolding on our house.

Climbing trees.

Being able to walk on my hands for 5 minutes.

Rollerblading while listening to Looking In Your Big Brown Eyes by Bob Marley.

Playing hide & seek in the dark outside with the whole street.

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Making explosives out of weedkiller and sugar.(age 9)

Making gunpowder.(age 9)

Making origami water bombs.(to this date)

Melting polythene and plastic in a saucepan on a camping stove in my dads garage ... spilling it all over my hands and going to hospital in an ambulance!(age 11)

Walking through a field of tulips in Amsterdam that were nearly as high as me! (age 2? ... not sure)

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Oh lord! Where do I begin?!

I have sooooo many favourite happy memories from being little:

* The feeling of being safe and so loved by my Mum and Dad. They still love me of course but when I was little, they made me feel like nothing bad could ever happen to me because they were there.

* The time spent with my Nannan and Grandad. The way my Grandad would make up silly songs and sayings, laying on my Nannan's knee when she'd stroke my hair and sing to me. My Grandad's no longer with us but every memory of him is a happy one.

* Christmas - All the excitment and build up, Mum & Dad made it such a special time.

* Cut Grass - Whenever I get a whiff, it always takes me back to endless days of playing out in the sunshine through the 6 weeks holidays!

* Primary School, oh happy days!

I could go on forever! I just hope that my Husband and I can make our little boy's childhood memories as happy & special as mine were.

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My Grandpa had all these silly songs he used to sing to me whilst I was sat on his knee, I can only remember a few of them thesedays and I'd love to know them all but sadly he is no longer here to ask! (Unless any of you can think of a jokey little song about nuts and bolts?)


Going to Scarborough to see my Grandma and Grandad, they had a huge garden with a hilled driveway and I remember riding my scooter down this quite steep hill with my younger brother on the back, mum and grandma would be watching just knowing it was going to end in tears!

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Jumping off the top splash at sheaf vally baths

seeing the fish tank in the hole in the rd

paying 2p on the bus to anywhere!

going out on my bike at 9am and not returning home till dusk (9pm) in summer,starving and mucky.

huge games of football with 20 to 30 kids.

going into town with my mum on saturdays to do the weekly shop (town was always rammed)

Seeing father christmas at Atkinsons (the magic slay ride lol)

Looking out for the Alpine pop man at weekends!

Sitting out side the Arbourthorne club with pop n nuts.

ahh happy days

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