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Netball Team need players!

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Myself and a group of lovely ladies (I would say 'young' but most of us aren't anymore!) currently play in a netball league at Goals Sports Centre at Norfolk Park on most Wednesday evenings. We are currently struggling with numbers in order to keep our team going and are in desperate need of interested new players to join us. (We particularly need shooters)


We are in the lowest of 3 leagues so are by no means massively skilled in this game so don't be put off if you've not played for a while.


If you are keen then please let me know and I can provide more details.


Looking forward to hearing from you all!!



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It is such a shame you play on a Wednesay, I would have been very interested in joining, but sadly can not do wednesday evenings.


Not that I would have been much help, not played since school!


Let me know if the evening ever changes.



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Hi! I play for a team in the ponds forge league on a Monday. If you guys fancy a friendly or fancy joining us at practice we train at goodwins 6-7pm on a Thursday. We generally just do a bit of a warm up and a mini game. Would be good to get our numbers up and play against some different people if you are interested? Also if you are desperate for players on a wednesday i am generally free and could give you a hand but im more of a defender/ centre court player (shorti lol). Pm me if interested :)

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We intend to launch a new netball league at Hillsborough Leisure Centre commencing on 2 October 2011. The matches will run from 9:45 to 1:15 and will be run by experienced umpires and players. All balls and bibs will be provided.


If you currently play in a team and would like to play more, or if you are looking to get back into netball but don’t have a team at present, then we would love to hear from you. Our intention is to have a mix of teams - some with experience as well as some beginners and hopefully see those teams improve and progress as the season unfolds.


If you are interested in joining our new league from the outset and helping us to bring netball to the north side of Sheffield, please contact nsnlcontact@gmail.com.

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Hi Lindsay,


I can prob help you out if you're ever stuck. I play in Division 3 of the Monday league at Ponds Forge with Suzi (above), and I play GA/GS. I don't think I could commit to 2 teams, but can def play if you're stuck. My number is 07874317371.


Please also contact me if you would like to have a friendly like Suzi said. It's always good to play against other people :) Also, anyone else in the thread who would like to join us feel free... Goodwins is being resurfaced for 6 weeks so please contact me first as we're finding an alternative location.




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Im interested in playing netball, i havent played in ages but previously played GA, but i dont mind where i play. I dont currently play for a team but would love to get going again. Can do Wednesday nights regular.


Let me know if you still need people.




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