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Classes at Pure Gym

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I went Boxercise class at Pure Gym last Saturday and it was not at all what I had expected. It was more like circuit training with six different bases and 30 seconds of various exercises eg. push ups, sit ups, planking etc. We did this nonstop for 45 minutes which I found really difficult but thankfully I didn't seem to be the only one struggling! I am now a bit reluctant to go to another class as I am worried I about them being equally hard.


Has anyone else been to any of the other classes? Are there any you would recommend?

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I went Boxercise class at Pure Gym last Saturday and it was not at all what I had expected. It was more like circuit training with six different bases and 30 seconds of various exercises eg. push ups, sit ups, planking etc. We did this nonstop for 45 minutes which I found really difficult but thankfully I didn't seem to be the only one struggling! I am now a bit reluctant to go to another class as I am worried I about them being equally hard.


Has anyone else been to any of the other classes? Are there any you would recommend?


Thats the point I would have thought.. no gain without a little pain . Take a copy of hello and sit in the corner that would be sooo much easier but wheres the satisfaction in that? You cracked the hardest part,going and doing the first session....

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Hi, I go to pure and try to go to quite a few classes; I have found that they kind of depend on who is taking them as to how hard they are and what they are like. Saying that, you do tend to find that a lot of the classes take the format of a circuit training session (I think mainly due to shortage of space as much as anything). Although somebody above has said that spin is difficult, i actually think that this might be a good class for you to try as you can just go at your own pace and keep resistance low if you are a little less experienced/ fit as others. Other that that I would keep trying classes by different instructors and see which style suits you. Hope this helps :)

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