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Flying red ants MEGATHREAD

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If you like them in your house fine, but they are scouting for food.


Want to get rid of them, then find out where they are comming from and put a teaspoon of sugar there, making sure if it rains it will not get wet and dissolve.


THey will then leave your house as no need to forrage as they were.


Repeat process every week or so.


Happy ants, and happy house mites too!

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There is no ants in my house. There are an ant in yours I see, or does you have a lots of them?


I'd hesitate to say that the house is crawling with them, but you dont have to search long to see one.


btw, I know the title is grammatically incorrect, you dont have to take the ****. :hihi:

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yes ///i was told put bayleafs at your door


Don't forget a clove of garlic above every door and adjacent to every window!


Seriously though, as Erebus said, you can lure them away with sugar.


Do that quickly (before they start a nest near the food supply.)

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