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Flying red ants MEGATHREAD

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Cheers, I will do.


I looked out of our kitchen window yesterday evening and couldn't believe what I was seeing. Vast clouds rising up from our driveway. Some were coming out of a big crack we have in our drive and some were gathering and flying from the edges. Amazing, just clouds of them pouring out...then ten minutes later they were all gone.


A bit icky, but still fascinating and amazing.

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My lawns absolutely covered in them, getting ready to fly. Together with little mounds of earth they've all dug up. Went out to observe these amazing creatures, and the worker ants were crawling all over me in moments. Remembered that scene from Indiana Jones 4, and got myself back indoors in no time.

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My lawns absolutely covered in them, getting ready to fly. Together with little mounds of earth they've all dug up. Went out to observe these amazing creatures, and the worker ants were crawling all over me in moments. Remembered that scene from Indiana Jones 4, and got myself back indoors in no time.


Yep. The crack in the drive has been acquiring little mounds of earth for the past few week but I didn't think much of it. Last night it was as if Hitchcock's The Birds had been written for ants.


I'm a bit weird, I love spiders, crocodiles, sharks, bugs things like that so I was just so happy to see this mass flight.

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