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72 year old arrested for protecting himself

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And another one http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2011/oct/07/householder-cleared-fatal-stabbing-intruder?INTCMP=SRCH


It's reasonably simple. Use reasonable force to protect yourself or your family and you'll be ok. Chase someone down the street and shoot them in the back - it's murder.


There's no need to invent injustices, there's enough real ones as it is. People really should wait to hear the outcome before they start jumping up and down.

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Drama queen, calm down - howabout letting the police and the CPS do their job before you start blabbing about how unfair it is?


You've no idea what went on in that shop.


It may well be the case that he was found to have acted in self defence - if so, great.


It might be found that he stabbed the guy when he was already incapacitated or trying to run away - in which case the guy might rightly be looking at charges.

Shame though, once somebody has made the decision to go and rob another person, they should lose any protection the law offers. If their victim overcomes them and chooses to hang them by the ankles and cut little pieces of their face off until they bleed out, that should be fine :)
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Shame though, once somebody has made the decision to go and rob another person, they should lose any protection the law offers. If their victim overcomes them and chooses to hang them by the ankles and cut little pieces of their face off until they bleed out, that should be fine :)


Have you ever thought about moving to a country like Iran?

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Shame though, once somebody has made the decision to go and rob another person, they should lose any protection the law offers. If their victim overcomes them and chooses to hang them by the ankles and cut little pieces of their face off until they bleed out, that should be fine :)


So if you're found one day, cut to little pieces and bled out, the only defence someone will need is


"He tried to rob me governor".


It's a lie of course, but there's no witness, hoist by your own petard.

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was the old man supposed to just sit back and hope he doesnt get assulted? cause i am damn sure the low life would have only got a slap on wrist, if caught at all ,where as the old man has protected himself the only way he could and the low life died, well thank god there is 1 less piece of scum out there to terrorise people, maybe this is a lesson to learn from, 'tony martin case comes to mind'.

i wish the old man all the luck here, thumbs up to you x

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was the old man supposed to just sit back and hope he doesnt get assulted? cause i am damn sure the low life would have only got a slap on wrist, if caught at all ,where as the old man has protected himself the only way he could and the low life died, well thank god there is 1 less piece of scum out there to terrorise people, maybe this is a lesson to learn from, 'tony martin case comes to mind'.

i wish the old man all the luck here, thumbs up to you x


The point that you're missing is, if there is an incident where somebody kills someone else it has to be thoroughly investigated so the circumstances of the death has to be confirmed. If it is found that the death occurred in the act of self defence, just like the person in question in this thread, then no charges will be pressed.

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Yes but the slightly built, hard working, quite old bloke did stab someone to death. Now the police had to arrest him as an offence was commited and as already said if the stabbing took place as part of self defence on the old fellas part, he will no doubt be released. Now if it turns out that the slightly built, hard working, quite old bloke had an opportunity to stab the guy just for the sake of it as a f**k you for robbing my shop thats a whole different matter. You can't just go stabbing people willy nilly, even it it is a violent thug.


So due process has to take place to work out whether this was an act of self defence or not.


It's a bit like if i caught a burglar in my house, got into a violent struggle with him and the only way out for me was to somehow grab a kitchen knife and stab him. Now when the police arrive i would fully expect to be arrested when they saw a dead man on the kitchen floor in a pool of blood with a kitchen knife sticking out the side of him.


Of course you can if some scumbag comes on your property and tries to rob you IMO their rights go out the window and they deserve all they get.


In America people who Kill Burglars are hailed as heroes here in this country they are treated like scum! because of the PC nature of alot of people in this country it's disgusting.

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