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72 year old arrested for protecting himself

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Why should a 72 year old man that has worked all his life spend 2 days in a prison cell because some scrotes thought it would be funny to rob his shop?


He isn't in a cell; he's in hospital. It's unlikely he'll spend a night in a police cell.

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It's called due process, and the arrest is standard procedure.


Always has been, always should be and (hopefully) always will be that way.


Sometimes it's called a load of pathetic balls.


We have a slightly built, hard working, quite old bloke on one side.

On the other we have at least two thugs with at least one gun attacking him.


So a useless, violent thug is dead.....so what?


Feed the little git to the pigs to save funeral costs.

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Sometimes it's called a load of pathetic balls.


We have a slightly built, hard working, quite old bloke on one side.

On the other we have at least two thugs with at least one gun attacking him.


So a useless, violent thug is dead.....so what?


Feed the little git to the pigs to save funeral costs.


Yes but the slightly built, hard working, quite old bloke did stab someone to death. Now the police had to arrest him as an offence was commited and as already said if the stabbing took place as part of self defence on the old fellas part, he will no doubt be released. Now if it turns out that the slightly built, hard working, quite old bloke had an opportunity to stab the guy just for the sake of it as a f**k you for robbing my shop thats a whole different matter. You can't just go stabbing people willy nilly, even it it is a violent thug.


So due process has to take place to work out whether this was an act of self defence or not.


It's a bit like if i caught a burglar in my house, got into a violent struggle with him and the only way out for me was to somehow grab a kitchen knife and stab him. Now when the police arrive i would fully expect to be arrested when they saw a dead man on the kitchen floor in a pool of blood with a kitchen knife sticking out the side of him.

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So why don't the police say that they are making no comment at this time?


They did.

Ch Supt Mark Roberts said: "Police in the area became aware of a disturbance at the florists.


"On attendance, there were a number of people in and around the shop and a number of men had fled the scene."


He said it was not clear what the "full circumstances" were.


"We could speculate on what has gone on but that will come out in the investigation," he continued.


Thye most certainly have not said that they intend to try and press a charge.

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The point being ,the toerag Tony Martin sorted out hasnt re-offended ,and never will


That isn't a point. It's merely a statement. You might as well mention that the toerag who shot someone in the back without warning or good reason also hasn't reoffended, and he didn't have to be murdered in order to prevent him from reoffending.

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Sometimes it's called a load of pathetic balls.


We have a slightly built, hard working, quite old bloke on one side.

On the other we have at least two thugs with at least one gun attacking him.


So a useless, violent thug is dead.....so what?


Well for one thing, so we don't know yet if it was a thug who died, or an innocent bystander. Or, indeed, anything at all.

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Why should a 72 year old man that has worked all his life spend 2 days in a prison cell because some scrotes thought it would be funny to rob his shop?


If he ends up in a prison cell at all, it will not be because someone decided to rob his shop. It will be because he chose to murder them in revenge.


It is far more likely that he will not end up in prison because he has done no such thing. It will very probably be simple self-defence, just as was the man arrested last month after stabbing to death a man who was burgling his house at the time.



It seems to be the fashion now for the police to arrest someone before they investigate the circumstances. I don't know why that is, but it emphatically does not mean that they assume the man is guilty of an offence.

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The arrest will be in order to allow the police to follow enquiries to a protocol, officially, which allows the shopkeeper to have legal representation etc...


It's a bit like an employee being suspended at work after an incident. It allows an investigation to take place, and removes the party from the environment. Suspension doesn't mean guilty of anything.


Arrest doesn't necessarily mean any charges will follow.

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