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Arthur Scargill and his penthouse

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So the great King Arthur Scargill is suing his pay masters the NUM because they want to take away his grace and favour penthouse which the miners have been paying for since the miners strike + other perks that he still gets and for what exactly .Seem's he learnt a thing or two from Margret Thatcher, if you can't beat em,join em:thumbsup:. Personally the man's a hypocrite.

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- May 2011


Mr Kitchen [a current union leader] added: “Unfortunately, there is a grey area where that decision, (to provide Mr Scargill with a London flat), has found its way into his contract of employment. It has been put in over a number of years.”


He said Mr Scargill’s final contract in 2002 had been amended just a couple of months before his departure in his favour to “vigorously reinforce” the terms regarding the flat.


It will be interesting to see what the courts say.

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If he is contractually entitled to it then it is his prerogative.


You know, if he'd beaten Thatcher, I wouldn't have minded if he'd been given a bloody knighthood.


But the North was decimated by Thatcher, most miners will have retired, many would have had their lungs pack in and be living on meagre allowances, only slightly topped up by a few hundred quid during that scam a few years ago which netted the solicitors millions.


Why doesn't Scargill just give up. It's not like he's living on the breadline, like many of his supporters could be.

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I'm not defending him personally, just his right to defend what is in his contract. If the NUM signed it in 2002, and agreed to it then, then they have no complaints to make now.


Since when have contracts been worth the paper they are written on?

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Scoggle probably did more to damage the livelihoods of miners than did Thatcher.


He might've been a nasty piece of work, but he wasn't a thick piece of work. He was smart enough to feather his own bed and he did so well.


It's difficult not to admire him for his skills and his ability to look after himself.


A true scion of 1970's Labour.


'The working class can kiss my arse,

I've got the foreman's job at last.'


I hope they engrave that on his tombstone.

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