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Arthur Scargill and his penthouse

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You know, if he'd beaten Thatcher, I wouldn't have minded if he'd been given a bloody knighthood.



The parasite bit off more than he could chew when he thought he could take on the Iron Lady , and what a delight it was to see her firmly trample on him and put him firmly in his place. The sight on the news of him being led away in bracelets by the police was a joy to see .


The man is and always will be an embarrassment to his fellow Yorkshireman .

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Guest sibon
So the great King Arthur Scargill is suing his pay masters the NUM because they want to take away his grace and favour penthouse which the miners have been paying for since the miners strike + other perks that he still gets and for what exactly .Seem's he learnt a thing or two from Margret Thatcher, if you can't beat em,join em:thumbsup:. Personally the man's a hypocrite.


What should the Government do when they inherit the massively in surplus miners pension fund in a few years time?


They are the true hypocrites. Screw pension funds until the pips squeak and then pocket the profits from the hard earned savings of working men.


It is billions in surplus too. Much more important than Scargill's flat.

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The parasite bit off more than he could chew when he thought he could take on the Iron Lady , and what a delight it was to see her firmly trample on him and put him firmly in his place. The sight on the news of him being led away in bracelets by the police was a joy to see .


Was that really worth great swathes of The North being laid to economic waste?

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Arthur Scargill - a top socialist. (This piece from a few years ago). Mr Scargill might have been part of the mines since the age of 15, when he started work at Woolley colliery near Wakefield, but his use of NUM branch block votes earlier this year to retain the title of honorary president for 10 years, on a £1,000 a month "consultancy" fee, is also a matter of some disgust to many. just like Bliar. "'I am a socialist […because] it stands for equality'. So said the Rt Hon Anthony Charles Lynton Blair in his maiden speech in the House of Commons on July 6 1983. However, as Tony Blair is now a millionaire several times over, it would appear that some people are more equal than others."


"The Labour voters who made Blair everything he is today must find themselves reeling at the money that he is now raking in.


Nobody resents him making a living, but we deeply resent him making a killing.


Five hundred thousand a year as an adviser to American bank JP Morgan. A further £5million for his memoirs. Six-figure sums for speaking engagements to dining rooms full of bloated, half-cut American businessmen, and of course his 65 grand a year PM's pension."


Blair is expected to be worth more than £45 million."



Hands up those who voted for Scargill and Bliar. A pair of real socialists.





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